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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MHfred

  1. I like the part he played in Gun Smoke as Quint aka Commanche
  2. It seems to me that more and more cab overs are showing up at our truck shows.
  3. Dan, have a happy one.
  4. These cab overs have been at Winchester at our show. The one with D. P. Miller on the door now belongs to the Keystone Museum.
  5. This is further proof that Marmon owned only a square and has my vote for "Ugliest Ever". It was owned by Buddy Sombart and I do not know where it went after his death.
  6. Yes, certainly a sleeper cab will be larger in the area of the sleeper but the cab is the same in front of the sleeper.
  7. Not truck related but Amazon just screwed me on a drum set. Amazon was the seller. After 10 days when it was supposed to ship, at 6:15 A.M. tracking says it will arrive by 8 P.M. I notify my son (for this son). Later that day I get an email from Amazon that my order has been cancelled by them because my drums are not available. I am NOT a happy camper with them and removed my personal information from their site and will NOT order from them again. I did not have Prime.
  8. You can tape a rubber glove over the horn and see if inflates.
  9. 2018----------Lexington, KY 2019----------Reno, NV 2020---------Springfield, IL 2021---------Harrisonburg, VA
  10. Swishy, we had our local chapter truck show today and I told a few people about doing down a local mountain listening to Creedence Clearwater but I came up behind a Detroit powered truck so I turned down the radio and opened the window to listen to better music.
  11. I do not know about your truck specificly but I would guess it had a wig wag which would have been mounted in front of the driver above the wind shield. When air pressure got low, a red arm would fall giving a warning. School buses had them for a long time and would be a good source for one.
  12. I joined the club by accident. I was exploring.

  13. Harrisonburg, not Winchester as far as I know. EDIT: It is the 2021 show that will be held in Harrisonburg.
  14. I plan to be there but will be truckless. I will probably spend most of my time at the Classic White Truck Group vendor's booth. Stop by for a chat.
  15. OD, I think you are like Johnny Cash, you have been every where. Thanks for the pictures.
  16. Mike, Happy Birthday. Hope to see you in Lexington.
  17. Vlad, next time you come here I hope to meet you. Last time I had to go to museum for some information they had for me and I missed you. Hope you have more great days with lots of sunshine and warm weather. Happy Birthday !!!!
  18. It appears to me that the hours do not match with the miles. My MH with 262 K miles has 4K hours?????
  19. Whether your load is owned by you does not matter. Even if you are not for hire does not matter. If the truck is used to transport for business purposes, it is commercial and insurance is expensive. Also, in VA and probably all states, you cannot haul commercial with antique plates.
  20. Did you buy it from BC Mack on here? If you did, he had done lots of work on it.
  21. How about a paint removal technician? That might be a better job.
  22. Sounds like someone photochopped someone else out of the picture.
  23. I did not leave a message. I thought you were probably at work. I will send you a PM.
  24. Willie Dog, I called you on Feb 21st around noon to see if it was ok if I stopped by. You did not answer but I would have been glad to help you turn over your hood.
  25. I rode the Empire Builder from Seattle to Chicago in early January of 2017 and hoped to see some of that but only got some flurries and there was snow cover but nothing like the pictures. It sure was cold though. I think that back in early winter the Empire Builder was shut down because of deep drifts.
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