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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MHfred

  1. I like the look of the old rollers and don't want to detract from them but this is a terrific song.
  2. I like them both.
  3. Newfie, sorry to hear about your truck and spare cab. A thief is about the lowest form of human life that exists. Let us know what you find out.
  4. Dave, thanks for taking the time and effort to post your pictures. They are great. I am probably going down to the museum one day next week.
  5. There may have been another Colvin but they are here in Orange, Va. They did have green trucks but now have one blue and white binder tandem and one white single axle.
  6. Carl, all of what you said is true but there are no ATHS chapters near Richmond to support a show.
  7. I got a couple leafs (leaves ?) for my 1954 White from Triangle Springs in Dubois, PA.
  8. Larry, glad to hear the new engine is running well for you. I read some place that you had put insulation on your fire wall. How about some details on what you did?
  9. Jim, nice looking trucks and thanks for posting.
  10. Ed, it is looking good. What is the name of the blast media you used and how do you think it did?
  11. Did you consider using a chemical stripper?
  12. My MH was in the registry but is NOT in Garage that I can find by looking and by searching.?????????????
  13. I thought the same thing but if you click on "Trucks for Sale", "Parts for Sale", or "Misc items for sale" they will show. I do not remember if that is a change or not.
  14. I like the fact that now I can use the "quote" function with IE 11. I couldn't before the upgrade. I am old and don't like change either but it is growing on me. Will we get the "Registry" back?
  15. I saw the "rest of the story" someplace on the news. The scum bag had ignored summons or something similar to appear in court about the debt. They showed him sitting in a nice kitchen playing on an Apple laptop. He could have paid off most of that debt with what the laptop cost. He got what he deserved. I do not understand why reporters report only half of a story. Oh yes, I do.
  16. Heavy Gunner, this wonderful IE 11 and this site don't allow me to post your quote but my oil was on the exhaust out of the turbo NOT the cooler line. My post was not correct.
  17. Idling will cause that according to my mechanic. He was apparently correct because after I ran it there was none there.
  18. Sean, it is looking real good and looks like interior is all back together.
  19. I needed a shift plate for my WC 22 White and could not find a decent one. I had one made and made extras to sell. They are made on an aluminum plate with an adhesive backing. I need to get $55 for each one and that includes priority shipping to you.
  20. Go to the Firestik website and read what they say about antenna installations. This site would not allow me to copy their address. I think that no ground plane antennas should NOT be grounded.
  21. In my opinion I would run the old green. I asked my Mack dealer what they would use on 1989 MH and they said they would run the green. I got the green from NAPA and the jug said for 1989 and previous vehicles. Many people say run the red or pink because that is what newer stuff runs and it is more common but hobby trucks won't be on the road much and you can some green with you.
  22. If it is like my 89 MH then can use any cord that will fit into the round hole for the heater. If that is like yours make sure you have the cord pushed onto the prongs good.
  23. Frozen air line?
  24. Where would the "affluenza" kid be today if he were brown or black? He would be dead or rotting in prison for killing those 4 humans while driving drunk.
  25. The MH group picture was on page 16 of Showtime.
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