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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MHfred

  1. Yes, that was a White 9000 cab. He had that at our White Bash in Richmond, VA and I talked to him quite a bit. It has Cummins MVT (?) engine and sits on air bags all around. It has very little ground clearance when the bags are aired up. He said he had to put smaller rear tires on it to it slow down but it still cruised real good at 80 MPH !!!
  2. How about some pictures of your MH?
  3. Ken, Merry Christmas. I have a used right muffler support bracket. Is that different from the left? Fred
  4. That Christmas tree reminds me of some we have had but ours never had a gold painted lizard on it. Thanks for taking the time to post your pictures.
  5. Mike, if I were you I would go to them and try to negotiate for a lower bill and maybe a payment plan. ???
  6. Yes, I have that manual but I don't think it says anything about changing the hoses.
  7. What is the secret to get to the heater core hoses? I pulled the top of the box off under the passenger seat and loosened the 2 screws that hold the blower fans in place thinking that then I could lift the blowers to get to the clamps. The blower housing seems loose but it won't lift up. what am I missing? My MH is an 89 if that makes any difference.
  8. Is that a hairless?
  9. Larry, looks like he put one too many zeros in his price. Is that outrageous or am I out of touch with reality?
  10. Mike, glad to see you are home and feel good enough to post here. Take care of yourself.
  11. I don't think a 1952 would have a buzzer. It looks like the brake light relay on my 1954 White.
  12. Ken, you could do all that work with a bucket but you could also wax the roof of your MH. Ok course, I don't know why because no one can see it.???
  13. Brayden, long time no see-not since West Bend. You missed a great show at York and your MH could have been there with its siblings. Maybe we can get a flock of MHs at Macungie sometime when the chance of rain is not high.
  14. I am running 50 cetane fuel and don't plan to run any additive because I won't run when cold enough to gel. I will add a biocide in my passenger tank because I hope not to use any of it for a couple of years???
  15. But it has matching numbers!!!
  16. I recently changed the anti-freeze and hoses on my 1989 MH and found out that the Mack dealer would have used the old green antifreeze. From the reading I did I found out that anything prior to 1989 should have the green coolant and that is what I used. The man at NAPA thought I should use the red but I did not. There are many different opinions about it.
  17. Do you regret selling the MH? Might have been tough keeping a driver in it though.
  18. Steve, sorry to hear you lost out on the Superliner. I thought you would be out chasing deer and elk but you were chasing dogs. Better luck next time.
  19. I like that bell-it sounds like a train bell. I would run in reverse all the time just to hear it. Engine sounds good and like everyone else has said I would keep original paint and fix up to be reliable. Where are you in VA? I am in Central VA and couple here from Fredericksburg area.
  20. I read the other day that the big oil companies are about to begin an anti-ethanol campaign that says that the total overall effect of ethanol is worse on the environment than regular gas with no ethanol.
  21. This is a very accurate article. I recently drove form Ohio to VA and had 3 close calls on the turnpikes. In all instances the drivers were focused on their phones and driving in their spare time-and even when merging onto the turnpike. The sad thing is that innocent people get killed or injured and in many instances the culprit probably gets away.
  22. Carl, congrats on the wheel and the little one. They certainly are special little people.
  23. I just priced a new fan clutch for my 1989 MH and it was a little over $600. I am now looking for a rebuild kit.
  24. Click on the "More reply Options" button below. Browse to find and select your picture and then click the "Attach this file" button. Keep trying until you get it; you can't hurt anything.
  25. My Mack dealer had 3 different widths of rubber I needed for my MH tank straps.
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