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Everything posted by tanbuddy

  1. The limiter on my truck is only activated when the tralier air is supplied, Its wierd how its set up, must have been the previous owner. I do notice a difference in power with it on or off when shifting and in low rpms. With a 5 speed trans it helps a lot having it off wiht a full load in the dump box. Sucks with the backhoe on the trailer If it was a 10 speed is the limiter only supposed to work on the top gears? I didnt understand theakerstwo post
  2. Im going for a new job next week, the test isdriving a 48 foot van with a daycab. Ive never driven something this long before, just a tandem dump with a 30 or so foot long tag trailer and excavator. How different is it gonna be, if someone has experience with both that woud be helpful.
  3. That doesnt make it much of a dump truck, but ive had over 50 000 on it before.
  4. Under the passenger side spring it reads FAV 537, theres some other serial numbers there too, if there important i can post them as well
  5. I got it to idle up to 600 rpm today, it made a big difference. I wanted to get it to 650 but the bolt isnt long enough, theres only 3/4 of the locknut threaded onto the bolt now as it is.
  6. Thanks for the help guys
  7. is there a way to decode the front axle numbers, all i saw were serial numbers, nothing that gave a weight rating?
  8. Anyone know what the idle speed of a maxadyne 237 is supposed to be, and if there is an easy way to adjust it?Mine is only at 500 rpm now and it sucks trying to move the truck around cause it stalls so easy unless you give it throttle. thanks
  9. The rear springs are 4 inches wide by 8 inches thick, 10 leafs. The center hub was about 7 inches wide. I found markings on the rear rear by the drain plug, SS 34 10....so im guessing that means 34 k rears? I still didnt check on the front end yet.
  10. Is there any tags hidden somewhere that i could find the specs for theses axles? Theres a lot of crud on there but if i could pressure wash them
  11. I have a 79 u model, and all the weight rating tags are removed on the truck. I would like to figure out what rears are in it and gvw & gcw this truck is rated at. The rear is tandem with 5 spoke wheels, 8 bolts hold on the covers for the axle shafts. only the front rear has a parking brake, there are 2 torque rods and no traverse rods. the steer axle has 6 bolt wheels, and 3 leafs in the pack. thanks for any help
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