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Red Rover

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Everything posted by Red Rover

  1. I'm envious, sounds like a great job.
  2. That's a museum piece. Beautiful!
  3. Great video. I didn't notice anything newer than mid 80's.
  4. Great pix Vinny, The H-80 and H-81 are Bruisers.
  5. We've all been stretched out by this economy Billy.In July of 2008 I came to the realization that my business couldn't sustain the status quo, and if I didn't take drastic measures we wouldn't survive. I took a long ride over the weekend to gather my thoughts, went to the shop on monday morning, fired half of my staff...9 people,closed one division, sold off excess equipment, reviewed my costs and adjusted my pricing structure,and made my situation sustainable. It was difficult and stressful, and still is, but that,s the nature of small business. The answer for me was to simplify to get things under control. I don't know if that's helpful at all but I wish you luck in finding your way. I wish now I'd done it sooner as I'm still digging out of the hole i dug for myself by keeping people and equipment that weren't producing.
  6. I've never been offered a job by a poor person.
  7. It is my understanding that the environmental movement has been hijacked by the communist party in order to enlist unsuspecting environmentalists as pawns in their anti-capitalist agenda. I say "Drill Baby Drill". You see how the price of natural gas has dropped since they started fracking.
  8. Thanks Rob, Thanks Olivetroad. The great thing about the big truck hobby is that there is no overly queer judging, of trucks or their owners. A truck just pulled from a field gets as much attention as an over restored museum piece. It's mutual respect for all who enjoy the same interest at whatever financial level they can enter. Speaking of that, hey Vinny, have you been able to turn a wrench on your U during this vacation?
  9. Stupid. What about "live free or die". Are those just empty words now? And while I'm at it, my neighbor was cited and fined for not getting a permit from the city of Auburn Ga. to use his tractor and move some dirt around his yard, and further, This same named town of southern origin has declared my wife's six little hens to be a nuisance and ordered them removed from the property. The same town, mind you, in which resides the tracks for the CSX railroad, on which no less than 26 trains per day pass, blowing their horns past each of 5 crossings, and setting off a canine wailing frenzy. The quarry is a mile thru the woods and they blast regularly during the week. Trucks from the quarry, the concrete plant, the Boise lumber distribution center, and the other traffic on hwy 29 create a constant din. The county air port is 5 miles away and the air traffic on approach flies low overhead. And I support the rights of all these individuals to make noise in the process of conducting the commerce that is so vital to our community and our nation.But with all this noise, How The Hell Did They Even Hear These Chickens! Now we have taken our battle to the Georgia legislature, in the form of House bill 853, The Right To Grow Act.We don't have money to pay lobbyists to influence the representatives on our behalf, unlike the Georgia Municipal Association, A group of municipalities, including the above named Auburn, Who are using our tax dollars to pay lobbyists to influence legislation in opposition to us ordinary citizens,so they can keep control of us,"the rabble".Well I say" Piss on em, and Piss on their laws, WE Are Citizens, Not Subjects! There , thanks for letting me get that out. Resume safe speed.
  10. Love that cab. That trailer looks interesting too.
  11. Happy Birthday Bubba, and many more!
  12. Glad you're alive to share. The rest is just sheet metal.
  13. This truck is being restored at the Gainesville Truck Center in Gainesville, Ga, which is a Mack Truck dealership. Mick owns the dealership and the truck. Mick is a fool for mack trucks, obviously, but also has a few cars restored or in the process. He takes them to a level that most of us can't afford, but can most certainly appreciate. Gerald, who is the dedicated painter and restoration tech,and I, have become friends in the process of finishing the interiors and cosmetic details on these vehicles, which is the fun part at the end. A point where the vehicle begins to take shape, and you can see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Not where I'm at now, but someday hope to be. But the only antique trucks I see here belong to Mick. This is a Mack Truck dealership, and I get the impression that parts and service departments here are not geared toward restoration work, or hobby trucks.
  14. Visors are the icons of 50's customization, and the theme of my h-model will include the custom touches that an owner operator would have added in that era, including a trip to viserville. I know my style isn't for everyone, but it's art, and it must come out. my RV got the visor treatment and fender skirts.
  15. I'll take more pics tomorrow.
  16. Happy birthday Boys, hope all your birthday wishes come true!
  17. Love the windshield trim on the LJ, and the B-81 looks like it could pull down a house!
  18. I stopped by the Gainesville Truck Center today and had a chance to check out the progress on Mick's B. I was drawn to the details of this every nut and bolt restoration, building a brand new truck.
  19. So.......how many?
  20. How did you teach the chickens to work on your tractor Tim. My wife loves this picture,she is from Vermont also, and was wondering if these are the same chickens that worked on her dads Gravely.
  21. Lucky boys.
  22. That Moose is really wired!
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