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Red Rover

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Everything posted by Red Rover

  1. I watched Blackdog recently. Very entertaining. But you have to pay close attention to find the Mack.
  2. Happy New Year Everyone! BMT is my happy place, and it's great to have a place to hang with like-minded people. Thank you all for your effort. Tim
  3. Tell it brother!
  4. Thanks for all the comments and suggestions, they are all great. I too, have built several Ulrich ho h models. When I was a kid in the late 50s and early 60s I remember seeing many H models hauling steel for tower lines out of Wheeling WV and Ace Duran among others. While driving for Munson Transportation in the early 90s I kept running up on this driver from Pittsburgh who drove an H model single axel with a drop deck hauling hot shot freight. I'd see him one week in Los Angeles, two weeks later in st. Louis, a month later in Springfield Mass. Part paint, part primer, That old dog would not lay down. I became attached to the breed. But now that the steely hand of reality is staring me in the face and I'm wondering how the hell to get the porta-power cab jack to actually work so that I can access the air line coming out of the compressor that has rubbed against the frame creating a monster air leak, I realize that the cosmetics will come to me in due time as I work to make this dog roadworthy. The frustration of restoration is the definition of relaxation, I'm in my glory.
  5. Thanks Rob. Merry Christmas to all at BMT. My link to sanity.
  6. Merry Christmas all ! It's scary, but you guys are my connection to sanity. Thanks, hope we all prosper in the new year.
  7. Love that Superliner!
  8. Red Rover

    Two Cows:

    Udderly funny!
  9. I put the dog inside the cab with me and had to drag him out after a little while. He was sniffing the ass of every driver, mechanic, and truck stop floozy that ever sat in it. I'm still taking it all in,lots of character. Not exactly my wife's description however.
  10. Red Rover


    I agree with the "piss on them" crowd.
  11. How many boots across the diamond plate before the diamond wears off the plate. the cab has stress cracks everywhere,the right side door is about to fall off, it has a porta-power for a cab jack.But Fill the tank with air and it starts right up. Lets gouge the highway, it howls, just one more load to Buffalo, this old dog wants to run the road, and so it shall.
  12. How many times in and out of the cab does it take to wear the diamond off the plate.
  13. Just found out that Ray Sidella, who delivered the H to me is actually Mack mhe9 on this site. Very professional, great looking Superliner. 570-294-1611.
  14. Making me crazy,I've had the truck for 2 weeks and have only had time to start it twice. Fires right up, smokes, but doesn't drink or cuss.I've got to get the cab raised to fix a major air leak in the line coming out of the compressor, so I can build enough air pressure to yard drive it safely.... I wouldn't want to scratch the paint. Thanks for asking, I'll keep you posted as I'm expecting that I'll be needing the advice of those more experienced in just about all areas of function.
  15. Congratulations Rob, your example gives us all the hope that we too, can endure.
  16. Thanks Rob ,Double post was an accident. By the way, the seat was a Galag. Never heard of it, lots of gadgets, electronic bells and whistles,but not very supportive. A lot like my ex wife.
  17. We use ABS plastic to make door panels and headliner panels.It is both flexible and waterproof, is grained on one side, smooth on the other, can be dyed or covered in vinyl or cloth. It is a little pricey compared to cardboard but not by much. We use three sixteenths thickness on door panels and eigth inch thick on headliners. It is sold in 4x8 sheets.
  18. I don't want to make anyone mad, or hurt anyones feelings, and this may not be politicly correct, but it was just the first thing that came to my mind. Guy comes by my shop today in a late model Volvo high roof condo complaining about his seat being uncomfortable and was there anything I could do to make it better. I take customers concerns seriously,and having been an otr driver I can relate to the drivers issues, so I climb up into the driver seat so that I can feel what he is feeling. To my surprise,the Volvo had an automatic transmission, and immediately surmised,"this guys problem is he's a pussy". I laughed to myself, shook off the thought, and proceeded in my typically professional manner,just wanted to share. Hope nobody's offended.
  19. I have never purchased a vehicle by looking at pictures only, or arranged transportation with a phone call without knowing where the truck might wind up. At the same time,CF600 sent the truck before the money was in his hand, and Ray hauled the truck a great distance without knowing if he would be paid . You're right Rob, the feedback forum is important, so that in the future all others know that these individuals can be trusted at their word.
  20. Thanks to cf600 ,seller of 59 H67T for patience while I worked through the spousal authorization process, and transportation issues. Thanks to Firemack for holding this rescue dog safely from the scrap heap, and thanks to Ray Sidella, the owner operator from pa. who contacted me from the transportation board and hauled Red Rover safely to Atlanta.His number is 570 294 1611. very professional, honest with an outstanding Superliner. These are first class gentlemen,and it is a pleasure to do business with them.
  21. Hello people, my name is Tim, and I would like to thank Barry and all the other regular posters who make this such a great place to escape the stress of everyday life, with others who share the same interests. I made contact through the classifieds here to purchase the H-67T from Kenny,then made contact through the transportation board with Ray to deliver "Red Rover" to me,and though we were strangers, the transaction and delivery were very smooth. If only all the rest of life were this easy. As soon as I can figure out how to upload photos, I'll pass some along.Thanks all.
  22. 112" high 95" wide 196" long. E mail to: timdipasquale@gmail.com or call 770-318-3017. Thanks.
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