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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by eddeere

  1. If I understand this when you apply the brakes the axle would lift once the pressure was removed from the air bags. It has air up and down upon looking at it. I am new to this. . Just trying to figure things out. Thanks.
  2. I bought a used pusher axle. In checking things out I noticed the quick release valve to the brake chambers had two small lines on some type of object on the intake side. Just wonder what the were for.
  3. I agree with 41 chevy . Stay away from Champion. I have put new Champion plugs in a few two cylinder tractors in rebuilt engines ran the tractor for an hour or so, Then a few months later the tractor would not start until the plugs were replaced.
  4. Prices on the tires were more than I wanted to pay. There were two Holland air slide fifth wheels. One went for $400 the second one brought $1800 which seemed high. I did get a 20K pusher axle for $375.
  5. Thanks David. I think I understand what you are saying. Years had a Ford dump with this set up on the rear. What would you want for the rims. I will see what happens at the auction tomorrow.
  6. Thanks for your help. From memory I did not see any cast wheel locators. To add to the problem the truck is New Mexico and I am in Ohio. The tires come up Saturday at an auction. All this is confusing to me as I am new to this. Will post a picture if it may help. David I think we can do some trading which could benefit us both. What is your location.
  7. Maybe this is a stupid or question with no answer with the limited information given. I have a chance to buy ten 11R 24.5 tires and rims on aluminum rims. the tires look good with plenty of tread. My F model needs rubber and has 11R x 20 tires pilot steel disc wheels. Would it be possible to get a 24.5 steel disc rim that fit my hubs. Thanks for any advise.
  8. Enjoyed the pictures. I would buy Hamms and Linenkruggle beer when fishing up in Wisconsin. Hamms is very popular there.
  9. I bought a sears or craftsman roll around toolbox at an auction a few months ago of course no keys for the locks. In the top box was a card that said if you send a dollar with the lock numbers they would send keys. I knew that since the boxes were old a dollar was not going to work. I called the company and talked with a woman who had been there 29 years. She said that the numbers were before her time but she would look in some old literature. She was able to get me a set at a reasonable price. Try that today with something from Lowes, Home Depot, or Harbor Freight.
  10. I still have mine setting on the work bench never installed. Just keep putting it off as getting these loose sometimes is a struggle for me.
  11. Welcome.A lot of good information and help here when needed.
  12. I got two from Kevin All a few years ago. Do not remember what I paid and seems like at the time he had more.
  13. After reading all of this I am still trying to figure how a trailer would work behind the triaxles with the fifth wheels. This F model had a fifth wheel, a pusher axle, and the long frame from the factory.
  14. Thanks Vladislav your thinking is the same as mine. There is a vent on top of the pump in the cavity between the bearings. I took this out and will add grease in here. I doubt if I will ever get 50K miles on the truck. Just in case I ordered seals from PAI. Hope I never have to rebuild the pump but just in case. The service manual has good instructions on a pump rebuild.
  15. Thanks for the help. Never thought to check the pulley. Did and it is tight. Reading the manual some early pumps had grease cups. These were to be replaced with plugs and never use grease fittings as the pressure would blow out the seals. If I can find a grease cup will try to keep the pump greased this way. For a hobby truck this may work for a while until the fan and pulley become loose. Just have to keep everything out of the radiator.
  16. I got the B 61 out yesterday and drove it around to warm things up. Went to check the oil and noticed a large lump of grease on a line below the water pump. It looks if it came from the water pump but can not figure out where or why. The service manual reads to fill the cavity between the bearings 1/3 full of lithium base grease do not over fill. It looks like there is also a vent on this area. Any suggestions or does anyone know where rebuilt pumps are available ?
  17. Enjoyed the video. Looks like you are having fun stay with it as all it takes is time and money.
  18. The prep is important no mater what product you use. The cleaning and etch products can be purchased wit most products.
  19. i have used Eastwoods rust converter #51676 ZP and was not impressed with it. Their rust encapsulator platinum may be better and is UV resistant. I wonder about the aluminum pigment in it.This may be just for the UV. Some use POR-15. I understand it now comes in colors and may be UV resistant now. My first choice would be the POR -15.since you are going to paint over it.
  20. I guess I am spoiled the mill I worked for would buy us a pair of steel toe boots every year any brand you wanted. A couple of years ago bought a pair of Georgia boots from a farm supply store ok but not like the Red Wings I had. Bought a new pair of Red Wings about a year ago $292.00 with tax. Made in the USA with imported materials Worth every penny to me.
  21. Great work. A job well done.
  22. Thanks all. I restored that tractor about 1978. Got all the parts from the local J.D. dealer including a set of .045 over all fuel pistons. Not bad for 42 year old tractor. Starts with the first pull on the flywheel most of the time. Should mention that the last picture is the Weaver Auto Ambulance.
  23. I try not to do much tire work. Most of my tire work is on tractor and backhoe rears. Easier for me if still mounted on tractor.
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