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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by eddeere

  1. Can anyone tell me what these were used for . Some type of support for heater hoses ? If so what the complete setup looked like . Thanks.
  2. One sharp original looking truck . Looks to be a good unit to haul J.D. equipment to shows.
  3. Enjoyed the pictures . Worth waiting for.
  4. I have seen pictures of firetrucks that have been to close to the fire and the plastic on the lens have melted yet the Imron paint was still good.
  5. I used a lot of Imron on J.D. tractors . Great paint easy to work with flowed out like alkyd enamel . Have a 38 G painted 25 years ago looks like it was painted last week. I think some of the new large trucks still use it. My DuPont supplier still carries it but afraid to ask about price.
  6. Good looking truck . Like the colors.
  7. If you go with the single stage you can mix the last coat with clear per the directions from the paint mfg. On true base coat clear coat the only sanding is on the clear. After a week of drying I dry sand with 1500 then wet sand with 2000 then 4000. Wait a few days then buff the paint out. I do not sand the single stage paints. If you want a first class job look at what Willie Dog did on his B 42 P tanker. He used Nason base/clear and buffed the paint out. You might contact him and see if he will share any of his secrets. This was one of the best jobs I have seen in a while. Also we like to see pictures of your truck.
  8. If you are a good painter a single stage urethane is very good . There are some advantages to a quality base coat , clear coat sometimes more work . The DOI is usually better. I used DuPont ChromaBase and Cromax clear.
  9. Do you have a good ground ?
  10. I would like to know the best oil for a B 61 hobby truck with a TRQ 7210 trans. The book shows G O -A90 36 pints. The rear is a RAD 508 . Book shows G O -C90 31 pints. What are some recommendations. Thanks.
  11. I made that mistake . Had the steering box in place but not the sleeve on it. Had to unbolt the box to get it on. I agree with Freightrain you should be able to get it back in.
  12. A Winchester my great grandfather's. Just thought it is neat.
  13. Looks great . Love the color.
  14. Expensive but worth it. Looking at the reflections of the lights and all in the blue the D.O.I. is great.
  15. Looks great . What are you using for paint ?
  16. Did not know what I got was a Grover. Need something to clear the cab light. Saw some Macks at Macungie that the horns were mounted on something that looked like a box. 2x4 and duct tape probably not a good idea.
  17. I bought a new horn from Watts it mounts different from the old one and will not clear the cab lights. Not sure what a grover is. Thanks. I have seen some B models that are mounted on something that looks like a box. Thought one of these might work.
  18. Need a pedestal to mount an air horn on the top of a B model cab Ed 513 889 7777
  19. Seems like a great but simple idea. It has farmer engineering all over it.
  20. Welcome. I had a 31 Ford 2 door sedan with a small block chev. years ago. Neat little rod but tended to bump steer.
  21. Welcome . Good looking outfit
  22. Attended the Greenville, IL show last week. Some pictures. 250 + Model G's , 1 Autocar, and a Fairbanks two cycle diesel engine
  23. It was warm upper 90's but not bad. Came back to Ohio 80's high humidity unbearable. I think it was global warming now climate change. What happened to the ice age predicted in the 1970's ? I can not keep it strait either.
  24. Thanks for the pictures. Liked the spotty dogs
  25. Good point.
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