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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by eddeere

  1. Near Truth or Consequences and Silver City NM.
  2. Just north of Socorro near Lemitar. You see it along south bound I 25.
  3. Some trucks, copper mine, and a sign.
  4. Some stuff I saw this week. No girls in cars, just can not find them like Other Dog does . He must be a chick magnet. I think the orange dump is a Marmon.
  5. Welcome
  6. I came back to U.S.A. thru Oakland in 1972. Was not a good welcome home experience. There was a chain link fence keeping us apart but they still spit at us.
  7. eddeere

    Air Horn

    Need the spacer that goes between the cab and air horn on a B model. Ed 513 889 7777 or edstoffregen @hotmail.com.
  8. What Watts sold me were Grote . Watts product code # 130 $ 35.00 ea. Similar to the original but longer.
  9. Good to have you back. Things seem to be going your way. Sorry you have to sell some of your stuff, but I am sure they will be going to a good home.
  10. Great looking tractor. I restored a Super M for the original owner a few years ago. It was a family tractor and stayed in the family after the owner passed.
  11. I had a GMC 5000 dump with a 351 gas and a 5& 2. It was hard on gas. I can not imagine what it would be like keep gas in this beast.
  12. Welcome
  13. I wish someone would jump in and save it. When finished it would be something.
  14. Welcome.
  15. Yes it is the one in Indiana.
  16. I saw an ad for a 1952 L J ,220 Cummings ,5&4, 44,000 rears, and aftermarket fiberglass tilt hood. What was the deal on the hood ? Anyone know the story on these ?
  17. When I first got my truck running it would not hold pressure. I think talked Margala & Sons 800 872 2280 Youngstown, OH. If my memory is correct they would swap me a rebuilt one. Later found a leaking hose. An internet search should turn up something.
  18. Welcome.
  19. All of this has got me confused. The speedometer on my B 61 never worked. When I pulled the engine and trans the cable had an adapter on the end that had a square drive on it about .111". The trans needed on that one that was .125 ". I got one from Bobs Speedometer. Have not driven the truck yet so not sure of the fix. Hope I do not have to go thru all of the above.
  20. I also would be interested how well it works.
  21. Not exactly sure what you are after. Starter solenoids ? Was told low voltage can be hard on them.
  22. Thanks for information . After 47 years I was not sure of the aircraft model #. On my first flight I looked inside and saw a couple of jeeps or trucks and said this will never get off the ground. My friend an old tech. sgt. said when it was first designed they were not sure. It got a lot of lift from the body. If you just looked at the wings you would think no way. From a distance it looked like a giant bumble bee but a bumble bee was not supposed to be able to fly either .
  23. Is this the C 124 ? Flew on similar aircraft out of Barksdale A.F.B. years ago. Can not remember the aircraft model #.
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