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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by eddeere

  1. Welcome. You will be amazed with the knowledge and help here.
  2. Great job. Also like the 580 -530 CK in the back ground.
  3. Nice find. Good luck with it.
  4. I have B 61 T s/n 363474 built 4/17/61. The best way is to contact the Mack Museum with a donation. You will receive more information than you need.
  5. A few years ago I rode on the 611. That train could really move. On starting it would pull you back in your seat.
  6. I sent him a check with a note and requested not to bother to send a thank you reply. To my surprise the check was cashed. Hope he gits back on here miss his knowledge and humor.
  7. I just bought a led license plate light. No instructions on wiring two black wires. I checked the light before installation. Worked no matter how wired up . I would have thought one would be + the other - .
  8. I looked at a Valueliner a few months ago took some pictures one picture had the passengers door with one on it. Posted the pictures here . I never noticed it until some of the members pointed it out. I am not sure how to find them.
  9. These look better than what I started with. Had to weld up some rust holes sand blast, fill pits with body filler, and couple coats of primer.
  10. I had to replace the glass in mine . While I had the glass out got an estimate on having them re chromed. About $500.00 for the pair plus I had to take them apart rivets out. That was daily driver not show quality. I used Eastwoods liquid chrome. It did a fair job. I think over time with enough use it will wear off. Better than J.C. Whitneys chrome paint I used on my bike as a kid. They look better in the sun light as the flash from the camera shows some imperfections that I should have sanded out.
  11. Welcome.
  12. Just got my yearly V.A. physical and my doctor recommended the same thing. Where can you get this type of exercise equipment ?
  13. eddeere

    B 57

    With only 281 made and your Grandfathers truck I think you should get it. The truck looks to be in decent condition. If you do not you may always regret it. Keep us posted on your what you decide.
  14. I had a stud that holds the axle flange on a rear drum broken off about 1 inch down in. I took it to a local weld shop and the welder started with a wire welder and built the stud up to the top . Next he welded a nut on top. After it cooled he said everything came out using a pair of pliers . I do not have the skill to weld like this but thought if I ever wanted to try it maybe using a copper sleeve to protect the threads might work. Like Underdog said it works. I think the welding shrinks the metal.
  15. As 41 chev said it is lead based paint. I do not know how you plan to remove the paint but I have had good results with the stripper discs that go on a 4 1/2 " grinder. They remove the paint but do not hurt the metal. Faster than the liquid strippers and not as messy. Needs to be done outside up wind and with a good dust mask.
  16. Do not give up . When finished you will really have a neat truck. If you skip a few steps now when you paint it you will regret it.
  17. Got the harness from Rhode Island Wiring Service ,Inc. I thought the quality was excellent. Instructions sometimes confusing but easy to clear up with a phone call. The floor is not new. Very little rust on bottom most rust was on top. Sand blasted, acid preped, and painted. Bottom of floor was also coated with Eastwood's heat and sound barrier.
  18. Bought a new harness .Thought it would be easy to install. A week and half later almost done.
  19. Thanks. I was born confused. But now I know more than I did.
  20. Thanks . I have seen other RW 753 trucks and all seem to have the Cat engines.
  21. Looking thru the trucks for sale papers I see Superliner trucks advertised as RW 712, 713, 721 ,722, 733, 753, 755, 766, 767, 786, 795, & 797. I guess the 7 is the weight class. Does anyone have a short and easy explanation on the other numbers. Thanks.
  22. Enjoyed the pictures. Interesting note about the DOT officers some are decent some want to show how you how important and how much authority they have.
  23. There have been a number of articles here on this . If you look them up I think you will find anything you need. Pictures of your truck would be great.
  24. How about the same colors as the J.D. A or B in the back ground. Saw a B model Mack at the expo in New York with these colors Did not look too bad.
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