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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by eddeere

  1. As a supervisor in a company with a union the union was rarely needed. Any problem was usually worked out on the spot. Most problems were mostly gripes once the employee got it off their chest work went on. The union steward was seldom involved. THEN the older employees started retiring and a new group of younger employees started taking their place. That is when things started to change for the worst. Jobs were too hot, hard, unsafe, or not my job for this group. In the old days everyone worked together. For the new group they seemed to work against each other. Finally I was able to retire.
  2. Sorry to hear about your loss. Losing good old tools are like losing an old friend.
  3. Thanks. Thought it was a way to get voltage into the cab.
  4. Started running lines into the cab. This electrical junction block bolts over the hole in the firewall with nothing on the back for an electrical connection. Why the hole ?
  5. Thoughts and prayers for you. Wishing the best for you.
  6. Thanks . Searched for days with out the P/N was getting nowhere. Ordered one from Anything Truck. Don know why the local Truck Pro could find it.
  7. Sounds crazy . I bought a new PP -1 valve from Truck Pro came without the nut to mount to the dash. They said they have not come with a nut in years and could find not the P/N . If any one has one for sale I would like to buy one or tell me where I can get one. 7/8 -20 thread Thanks Ed.
  8. Sharp. What was used for paint ?
  9. With the addition of this you should have everything someone would want on a B model.
  10. I have been told by a numbers of good welders peening relives the stress.
  11. Welcome. We like pictures.
  12. I have a neighbor who was born deaf. He is in his late 20' s farms for me and 500 other acres and works full time as a journeyman electrician . Good to see someone like this instead of being on some government program as so many who do not need help are.
  13. The oil sample or analysis makes good sense. When I buy a used tractor, truck, or backhoe I change the oil and send a sample to Blackstone Labs for analysis. It gives you a good idea on the condition of the engine. Unless you change the oil it is sometimes hard to get a good sample.
  14. Just read an article in Land Line magazine maintenance Q&A section about a father and son restoring 1982 Peterbilt with a Cummings 400 big cam. Their question was on oil and drain intervals. The truck was only to be used in parades and shows. They were advised with C J-4 to change every six months with synthetic once a year due to oxidation and sludge. I wonder if you only put a few hundred miles on an engine with limited idle time is this necessary ?
  15. I bought a new Freightliner in 2003 the wires were all tan with numbers on them . With out some information I never knew were anything went.
  16. My B 61 was wired similar. The one on the frame failed at one time I think. The one on the T.P. valve as near as I could tell was for the brake lights. Which would be an easy fix.
  17. I think these are brake light switches.
  18. Looks great. Good choice on the epoxy primer.
  19. Nice 420 W . Had one couple of years ago. Great little tractor but always had a small leak on the rock shaft.
  20. Got the cab on the frame yesterday. Everything went great until . It was either lift the cab which was bolted or move the steering box. Chose the latter. When things are going too good there is usually a reason.
  21. Got the cab on the frame yesterday. Everything went great until . It was either lift the cab which was bolted or move the steering box. Chose the latter. When things are going too good there is usually a reason.
  22. Welcome.
  23. How about adding an auxiliary trans.
  24. Enjoyed the pictures.
  25. Thanks. I guess the steel ones are the countersunk ones. My old ones were rusted bad and I can not find them. Must have thrown them away.
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