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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by eddeere

  1. Saw these at the Franklin County antique machinery show. A puller and something to plow with. A lot of tractor for a four bottom plow.
  2. Saw this at the Franklin County Ind. antique machinery show. Could be purchased at a Minneapolis Moline dealer.
  3. Does anyone know of a source for the rear round red reflectors that go on the back of the B model cab ?
  4. Welcome.
  5. You might want to check the heater with an ohm meter to see if it is good. Like Masterwelder said it is an AC coil terminals should not mater. Green should be ground.
  6. The frame looks great. Some swear by the por 15 . I have never used it.
  7. Great pictures. Have had three German Shepherds . Very smart and loyal dogs. They were always a part of the family.
  8. C an happen. Had a large brown moth get on a yellow just painted car.
  9. After waiting most of the summer for the weather to cool down to match the temperature rating on the reducer and activator I bought late spring put the cab and doors in the paint booth and painted them.
  10. I know the feeling. I had around 20 two cylinder J.D. s. Sold all but 3. Had a 51 G with the power block and a lot of extras. Power steering,live hydraulics, break away couplings,hour meter, & a schwartz wide front.To this day sad I sold it. I would buy it back if I could find it.
  11. Just a thought is it getting air to the the spring on the maxi chamber. Really sucks working in parking lots.
  12. As always the rules and law do not apply to the Clinton's
  13. Anyone planing on going to this show there is more to see and do than you can finish in one day. Motels in Mt. Pleasant are normally booked a year in advance. Motels in West Burlington fill up by mid summer. Anyone interested in this type of event I highly recommend it.
  14. Good looking truck. Welcome aboard.
  15. Great pictures.
  16. Thanks for the pics. This is always a great show. Something for everyone. Started attending back in the 80's went every year for a time. Went last year but can not make it this year.
  17. I worked swing shift for 38+ years off and on. 7 11-7 shifts, 7 3-11 shifts, then 7 7-3 shifts. All the holidays except Xmas. I liked 11-7 the best.
  18. More N.H. pictures. Piscatatquog river along the show grounds.
  19. Went to the Two Cylinder Expo in New Boston. Pictures are not the best. I think I may need some lessons from other dog. Picked up a 39 Ford COE near by for delivery to Somerset Mass. The COE Mack was there.going on ebay James 774 488 6700. If interested I have more pictures. I do not know to label the pictures individually.
  20. Great pictures. Good to see the girls in cars again.
  21. Enjoyed the pictures. Was the car truck show at New London ? I guess you will be at Old Threshers Labor Day weekend with the EF Truck of the year.
  22. I liked the cats also. If for nothing else the color.
  23. Enjoyed the pictures. Girls and girls in cars are ok with me.
  24. Neat old two cylinder. Looks like an A R.
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