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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by eddeere

  1. Looking at the Superliner makes me sick. Hang in there you will get thru this.
  2. I went last year. Not a lot of big trucks mostly pick up trucks. No plans to go again.
  3. Great pictures
  4. A few more pictures There was a B 47 there. I think only 437 made.
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  5. A few pictures from the show.
  6. Welcome. Easy fix just buy one.
  7. Do not know if it would make a difference could the oil lines be switched ? Supply and drain lines.
  8. eddeere


    I agree with Mcrafty1
  9. Painted the inside of cab and parts today. Used OMNI 45735 and Ma-Hyde Wet Look Hardener. This is supposed to the correct color but looked as if it had to much metallic in it. I wonder if the original paint was a metallic at all.
  10. Are you talking about the nuts that hold the hub on the spindle ?
  11. I read an article in one of the tractor magazines on the sheppards a few years ago . Do not remember any mention of a single cylinder.
  12. I liked the shepphart diesel power unit. Only one I have ever seen. Have seen some tractors and a few M Farmals with them.
  13. One of 24 built for Genesee Valley Transportation Inc. of Buffalo NY. Painted to U.S . Post Office specs. Ended up pulling an asphalt spreader up state Oh.
  14. Nice find. Looks to be in decent shape.
  15. Great pictures.
  16. Going to be one neat truck when done.
  17. I am with you. Maybe not enough demand for all the tooling required. Maybe a good sheet metal shop could fab some if they had prints or a sample. One good thing about restoring J.D. tractors was the amount of repro parts available.
  18. Thanks I plan to use Dynamat on the inside when I get it painted . Is there enough room between the firewall pad and firewall to install Dynamat ? I think most of the heat and noise would be from here.
  19. Since I had the cab off thought I would apply some lizard skin to the inside firewall and under the cab floor. After reading the reviews on lizard skin grease ,oil ,fuel, U.V. and some chemicals cause it to lift unless top coated. Decided to try Eastwoods Heat & Sound Barrier coating 2 part catalyzed combination. Should help some.
  20. I had the same question when I did the brakes on mine My service manual says the same thing. Most said to just pack the bearings. Viadislav seemed to have the best answer. " the axle factory specialist said with the modern grease it was not necessary to fill the hubs". I guess the extra grease would help if you had a bearing running hot.
  21. Good to hear you got everything back together and will on the road again.
  22. I think it is called Black Blast. I got it at Menards about $8.00 a bag . I think Tractor Supply also has it. Seems to be more aggressive than sand and low in silica . If you look at the last pictures you can see where I blasted and where the stripping disc was used. Great for holding body filler but a little rough in other areas. I plan to run a D.A. over these areas before primer.
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