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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by eddeere

  1. Work so far really looks 1st class.
  2. Decided to start body work on the cab. First I had to remove six coats of paint and six coats of primer. Used four stripping discs on the grinder and four bags of black blast. Spent most of the day but finally got down to bare metal.
  3. Find a schematic on this site and see how your truck compares . If original series to start the back to parallel when running.
  4. Best wishes on your recovery. I have a worn out left knee + arthritis. Cortisone shot every eight weeks, silicone injection every six months. Dr. advised me to take vitamin D3, drink lots of tart cherry juice, and ice. Has worked wonders so far.
  5. Two books Mack Model B 1953-1966 volume 1&2 photo archive by Thomas E. Warth may be of some help.
  6. Jim the truck looks good in the daylight. Good luck and keep us posted
  7. Enjoyed the pictures. Does it hurt the trailer to run with a sag like that?
  8. I plan to mount mime between the wet dry and tractor protection switches. I have a hole there where the controls for the Stewart Warner recording bitumeter was. Thomastractor did a post on this with pictures Mar25, 2012. A TR-1 flipper would be neat also.
  9. Tough question. How many batteries did or does the truck have and how were they hooked up. Find the positive or negative cable and with a meter see which goes to the frame.
  10. Enjoyed the pictures.
  11. This set up was good in its day. A lot easer to trouble shoot than what John Deere did with their 24 volt systems.
  12. Thanks all. I wondered what ASF stood for. About the rest of the truck this is where I am now
  13. After setting out all winter I cleaned up, sandblasted, &painted the 5th wheel. Once back on the cab and body work are next.
  14. Neat. I would like to have one.
  15. Nice work. I wish I had something like this and the talent to use it.
  16. Going from memory I think there is a metal strip behind this .
  17. Great idea. No mater what condition the truck is someone maybe interested if nothing else just to look at.
  18. Some say if no pictures it did not happen.
  19. I do not know about R hinges. I went thu this on a question on rebuilding B model hinges a few years ago. Someone mentioned that you could reverse sides turn the hinges upside down on an R model.
  20. Thanks Larry. You are correct I would have to change the valves in the dash to make the TP-3 work. The second link you gave me is exactly like my old one with a different part # ? I plan to get one of those.
  21. Excellent work. I really like what I see. Nice touch with the fuel filter water separator looks like one from a cat . Anytime you clean one up and paint it you have saved something for the future. What did you use for paint on the frame rails ?
  22. thomastractorscv did a post on this March 2012 with a lot of good information if you can go back that far.
  23. I never could get my old valve to work or stop leaking #227672. photo on left. Truck pro could not find anything on this part #. came up with a Bendix T.P. - 3DC. photo on right. The bendix manual shows where to plum everything up but the tractor protection switch in the cab. The only port left is the auxiliary supply which goes to the tractor supply port. Would it work here or is it needed as when the trailer supply line decreases to 20-30 psi closes the inlet valve. On the old valve the switch was connected to the fitting on the left. Thanks for any help.
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