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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by eddeere

  1. Welcome back . I often wonder what happens to those who we do not hear from in a while. Lost interest or something worse. 220 Cummings, Killer B, and Willie Dog just to name a few. Super dog is back. With his past health issues I was concerned.
  2. Got my 1936 J.D. B and KBA disc out and worked up the garden. Great place for a garden never was farmed. Previous owners parked their broken and worn out equipment here. A lot of old iron works up here. When clearing for the barn I dug up a Weaver Ambulance.
  3. I usually do not follow oil prices. Can you get it out of the ground at this price? Have read or heard somewhere that in Saudi Arabia the cost was about $ 25.00 with $ 5.00 going to the citizens.
  4. Got my Eastwood shipment today. Called the local post office and the cost to ship it back was $11.55. Eastwoods cost to me was $18.36. $ 6.81 difference seems a somewhat high for taxes and handling. Some places have no handling charges on orders over $ 10.00. I have no problem with the post office charges. As I indicated before I think Eastwood is adding cost to their items. Do they add handling charges or they built in with the items cost ? Their prices seem high to other places so I think the handling is built in to the Item cost.
  5. I agree. Yesterday I ordered a 16 oz bottle of Fast Etch from Eastwood $18.99. The bill was $37.35 with shipping and maybe handling. Almost double. If I can TP Tools & Equipment is my first choice as their prices for the same item are cheaper and shipping is cheaper.
  6. Those straps are good but you do not want to put anything heavy on the end if they come loose it becomes a projectile. A few years ago a farmer was killed when one with a large metal hook went thru the back of his tractor cab window.
  7. Great video. Wonder what the specs on the truck are. Along this line of tankers has anyone heard from Willie Dog or seen the Gulf Oil tanker he restored. ?
  8. Found it under the truck stories forum back in Nov.
  9. Yes it does. I can not recall the size or front axle rating. I listed it here when I first got he truck but where? This also has escaped my memory.
  10. 866 V8., 375 HP, Allison trans, 44 Eaton two speed rears, a Hendrickson open beam, and a lot of other things I can not recall. Almost 80 pages of build sheets from The Mack Museum which are in New Mexico with the truck. A Holland fifth wheel and pusher axle was added at Phoenix Mfg. in PA. after the truck left Allentown.
  11. Interesting. Is this a gas or liquid ?
  12. Great find. I missed a C 609 New Mexico truck, 711 engine, dual tandem, major dent on left fender, and almost no rust at an auction about a year ago. Went for $400.00. Still mad at my self.
  13. I try to apply Nason 421-17 2K Urethane primer within the 72 hr. window of the epoxy then sand after dry . To me the epoxy is harder to sand. Depending what you are going to paint it depends. On body work 2-4 coats of Urethane over epoxy allow to dry good follow with a guide coat then block sand with 320 or 400 grit. On castings, frames,and other parts sand the epoxy then a second coat of epoxy should work although I have never done this . If you use the epoxy as a second coat be sure to not to paint it too soon but stay within the window. For final coats I used Dupont Centari for years with great results seems things were simpler then. The tend now seems to be Base coat / clear coat or 2K urethane . Easy rider did a great job on his truck using Imron. As far as holding up Imron seems to be the best. Most new trucks were done with Imron and maybe still are. I have not used Imron for about 25 years it was easy to use went on like alkyd enamel but expensive.
  14. In 2012 I bought a OTC 2 1/2 ton floor jack. The first use was to support the rear half of a back hoe with the hoe removed. It would not keep the unit up. Most of the weight was on the rear tires so it would roll to split the tractor. Since I only had the jack for five days they got me a new one. The new one lasted about a year and the same thing. I used it last week to support the right side of a F 100 core support to replace a bushing it would not keep the support up over a few hours to install the bushing. I have never lifted over 1500 lbs with this jack. Looking back I should got a cheap Harbor Freight one for half the price. Hobert62 I would use the Pittsburgh Automotive jack but just be careful.
  15. I have been planning on going for over a year and was going to bring my B 61. Made motel reservations about eight months ago. It is about a five hour drive for me.
  16. Neat truck. I would keep it just the way it is. You might want to invest in a wiring harness.
  17. I installed a new wiring harness in My B 61. The voltage meter was on all the time. I changed it to the key switch. Later I installed a master disconnect switch.
  18. I agree with james j nieween. Let us know how things turn out . I just got a notice from the Ohio Dept.of public safety Bureau of Motor Vehicles that I need a U.S. Passport, or a Passport card, or a Certified Birth Certificate to renew my CDL .
  19. The truck looks a lot like an F model Were the Cruse Liners and F models both made in 1977. Sharp looking truck.
  20. Looks like a keeper. Was this the one hauled from Seattle ? Tell us more.
  21. I am with Maddog on the covers on the door hinges. Have read that they were stopped in the late 50's or 60's Maybe it was an on and off thing. Now it is listed as a 1960. Would think you would know the year when listing it. My books show 113 B 77 s made. Did all have with the Cummings Iron Lung engine ? Seems that this engine with the Roots blower would be before the turbo charged engines. I am sure someone here knows.the when the engine was produced. Wish the truck was closer. Would go $5,500 with the original engine
  22. I know the feeling. In my 40's & 50's I was never going to get old. Now getting up off my creeper sometimes is a struggle. If I drop something I think do I really need to pick it up.
  23. Like Rob I got somewhat bored. With the F model in New Mexico I thought I needed a project here in Ohio to keep me busy. This 1977 F 100 has set in the barn for years. This was her " Favorite Truck ". She had payed someone to restore it but he had serious health issues.so the truck was partly stripped and set this way for years. Not getting anyone in their right mind to take on this project I stepped up to the plate.
  24. A while back probably about 2015 sometime I was looking at a magazine which had a picture of a W 71 dual tandem light blue in color setting in a field. I think it was out west maybe Utah. The only reason I remember this is at the time I never knew what a W 71 was. So that is one more that survived.
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