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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by eddeere

  1. My book shows 15 qt. The service manual shows a capacity of 26 qt. with a 500C luberfiner. I buy oil in 2.5 gal. containers and often start with one abut 1/2 full then add until the dip stick shows full. So I never really know.
  2. Enjoyed the pictures. The dozer looks like it has been restored. wonder what it weighs.
  3. Job41 the motor is a 673 I think. It is in a barn with poor lighting . I forgot to bring a flashlight. The trans is a 18 speed quad. A turbo has been added. I was impressed with how straight the bumper was and the visor. I spent the afternoon with the owner and his wife retired school teachers. We graduated from the same university the same year. I believe anything he would tell you about the truck would be correct as he seemed to be a straight up person. I have no interest in the truck and only passing this information on in hopes this hobby will grow and not die out like the antique tractors have.
  4. I have bought a few similar cores from Steiner Tractor and have been satisfied. May be a long shot but if you called them the may tell you where they get theirs.
  5. It is rough for that price. Had has been for sale in a local farm publication for close to a year now. I think 4 or 5 grand might get it.
  6. I had to rent a large gear puller and 3/4" impact to the get the balancer off my 673. It was a struggle all the way to the end. After I cleaned up the shaft I had to buy a longer grade 8 bolt just to get started back on. Harder than any other small truck , tractor, backhoe, or car I have ever worked on.
  7. I know basically what the R and U models are. What are the RL,RS RD, DM, and BCR models ?
  8. 1964 B75LT SN 2168. I looked at this truck a few months ago e mailed the Mack Museum on some of the original specs. I never got a reply. At this time I do not need a new project. Thought some one else would be interested. Truck is located in Versailles, OH. Owners # 937 526 3260 asking $7500.
  9. Great pictures
  10. Clockwise I think. Look at your fan blades to see which way your engine turns and figure it from there.
  11. There was a man who had a welding shop here. He would do like 41 chevy said. He would only weld about 1/2" at time let it cool then peen it a lot. A far as I know his work held up.
  12. Just a thought try the sending unit or plum in a good gauge and get a reading.
  13. Not sure what the Delco switch is. Is this the series parallel switch/solenoid ? If your starter is good Watt's has them for $150. My starter was bad so I just went to a 12 volt starter.
  14. A 42MT or 39MT starter should work. Be sure it is a 11 tooth. I used a 42 MT it fit but was close to every thing and had to bend the vent pipe slightly. A 39 might have worked better. The starter shop where I got mine had both. They said the 39 was a gear reduction and had more torque and the 42 would spin faster. With a used engine I did not think torque was an issue. They also gave me a solenoid to mount on the firewall to be sure there was ample voltage to the starter solenoid. There was a post on this dated 14 Nov 2014 which has a lot of good information. The electrical part is straight forward. Just by pass the series parallel stuff in short.
  15. Thanks. I started with carlotpilot's idea. When I got the old ones apart the springs were broken. The new ones were too short. With the link from thomastractorvc I orded 2 Haldex SC 12 chambers. They will come from California and are temporary out of stock. If any one needs a type 12 as pictured let me know. Priced very reasonable.
  16. Bought 2 new T 12 chambers today. The left side chamber hits the arm out of the steering knuckle. Anyone know of the part # of one that will fit, or a safe fix.
  17. Great pictures. What type of mining is going on in the background?
  18. Not sure what I am looking at. What is leaking fuel, oil, or antifreeze ?
  19. Now I know why my sons go skiing all the time
  20. I miss the insight and wealth of information he brought to this site.
  21. Great looking job.
  22. Thanks for all the good advise. I wanted to use copper as it was original. The discharge line off the compressor is 3/4" A/C tubing which is thin and I suspect the weak link in the system. I saw some trucks at York last summer with what appears to be new copper tubing. I will have to rethink this.
  23. I also liked the article on W.J. Roberts. A couple of years ago I was looking for an air tank for my B he called and said he had what I wanted. He would not put a price on it but said just call when you get it. I told him that I would send $100.00 for shipping and part of the price. He again said to call when you get it and we will talk. After it arrived I called we talked but he would not accept any money. Not many people like that today.
  24. Mid August may be a good time for me. How about some antique tractors also.
  25. Replacing the air lines on my B61. Are they regular copper tubing 5/8' OD X 1/2 ID. Why the splice and extension ? Wheelbase Change ? Any other options hard copper ?
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