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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by eddeere

  1. Paint stripper works but like oven cleaner will remove some of the paint. The pressure washer was 300 PSI not 3000. I used a cheap plastic tarp then thru it away.
  2. I rented a hot water pressure washer. The water was about 200 degrees and 3000 PSI. Did it over a gravel driveway. Did a good job but took two days.
  3. I thought it would be easier with the cab off.
  4. I know something is wrong but have not found it yet. I got the linings in a package deal about $ 80.00 for all.
  5. I am sure all this is true. All it takes is one DOT officer having a bad day and can ruin yours also. Proving you are not for hire can be difficult sometimes. I ran passed a closed scale in Iowa the DOT officer on his way to open the scale crossed over the interstate chased me down. He asked why I ran passed his scale? In his car he told me he could get my S.S.no. pull my tax records and all the things he could do. One thing that helped me was he was being late to open his scale and let me go. The signs in Iowa say all trucks over 6,000# must scale. It could his word against mine if I got a citation.
  6. Well I did have more than one beer. It will be at least a year before ready to drive unless I drive it without the cab.
  7. Question. Was there originally a seam sealer there as my B model just has seams that were painted in this area.
  8. I do not think there is any good answer to this. I had Gulfwayinsurers on my Mack with Ohio historical plates and was allowed to pull a trailer. I was never near any scales but would have stopped. All states seem to be different and D.O.T officers in the same state will give different answers. A few years ago I had a 1 ton truck & 25' gooseneck and was stopped buy the D.O.T. in Indiana. All I had was an IFTA sticker. After I passed a safety inspection. The officer said you have four violations come back to the car with your paper work. I said I only haul my own stuff. His answer was "doesn't matter when you cross state lines with any thing with a GVWR rating over 10,000# you fall under Federal jurisdiction". I do not know where antique trucks fall under this but I would a get a CDL or medical card and paper work for a annual inspection which you can do your self. A log book is good. They pulled my IFTA sticker and sent my last payment back reason did not travel enough miles for all the paper work. This is what I haul with now and get pulled over sometimes but just get told to go on. I think if you are polite,have some paper work, and act like are trying things work out. I always scale. If they chase you it is not good.
  9. Installed new linings on the rear shoes today and got the shoes mounted. Every thing went good did not cut myself, smash a finger, or hit my head on something under the truck. I think it is time for a beer.
  10. Welcome aboard
  11. Great
  12. Pulled the axles on the truck and found one of the studs on the spider twisted off about 1/2 " deep in the hole. I think the only thing holding it and the nut was the gasket maker used on the flange. Went to the NAPA dealer seems they do not do any stud removal or much machine work anymore. They referred me to a young man that has a weld shop on his dad's farm. He drilled a 3/8" hole thru the stud started welding inside the hole in the stud continued up inside the hole without touching the sides or the threads then welding a nut on top. After cooling it came right out.
  13. Does anyone have the part no. for rear drums on a B 61. RAD 508 rear. 12.75 dia. bolt pattern, 6 5/8" bolts, 6" shoes, and looks to be 16.5" dia. Also what is the min. shoe thickness.
  14. Enjoyed the pictures. I hope to visit the museum someday.
  15. This is not for me. Would rather have the Packard or Mack if nothing else but for parts.
  16. Great job good looking truck.
  17. I have thought about going to one or both. They are listed in the Farm Collector show directory as gas engine and farm tractor shows. The one in Paris is the 45TH annual July 24-26 featuring Ford. The one in Renfro Valley is the 20TH annual featuring Ford and Fordson Oct. 1-3. I would like to know which one had the most trucks also. Renfro Valley 859 986 9848. Paris 859 473 4012 or www.centralkyantiquemach.org. I can not make the one in Paris but might try for Renfro Valley.
  18. Enjoyed the pictures. Liked the tracks on the J.D. 60 or 70. Never saw one on a Deere before. Have seen a lot on small Fords and Fergusons. I think they were made for about all models.
  19. Enjoyed the pictures. I was in that area about four years ago the locals were still talking about the bridge.
  20. If this was a fire truck would the plate or build sheet show it as a B85F. I saw one advertised some where out west that had the designation F on the advertisement, I think. If this truck originally had gas engine would it be a B86 ?. Did all the 80 series that were not fire trucks have the military type fenders and cast bolt together radiators? Now I am really confused, but I was born that way.
  21. I understand it is a woodward hydraulic governor. Has one oil line going to so it must drain thru the front like mentioned. What is the purpose of the drain plug and fill spout. Just wondering.
  22. Larry I have seen the quality of your work. You do great work without a big shop. Saw your truck at York then at Ashland OH. Never did catch up to you.
  23. Was this where the 7.3 engines for ford made ? I think at one time the made about 900 engines a day. Great more jobs lost. I wonder if the EPA had anything to do with this.
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