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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by eddeere

  1. The American Bocsh pump on my 673 according to the manual is oiled from the engine. There is a drain plug and filler neck with a screw on cap on the pump. What is this all about ?
  2. Me also and want someone held accountable for this.
  3. Got a copy with my Vintage truck magazine last week. Great magazine a lot work went into that issue.
  4. Great pictures. Liked the dogs also. Great country my son lives in Bozeman. Says he will never move back to Ohio.
  5. Enjoyed the pictures. What is the deal with the goat ? Wild or domestic ?
  6. Hot water pressure washer, engine degreaser, scrapers, wire brush, and rust killer.
  7. Painted the B model engine ,Trans. and the rest of the items I thought should be black. For anyone interested the engine color code is Mack #647. I used Nason Ful - Thane Urethane DS138
  8. This is a long shot. A few years ago Dupont had a color matching book. It had a page for each color with chips that showed what various tints did to change the colors and gave you the tint # to add to the paint. I had one and it was helpful. You might try a body shop and see what they are doing on color matches if the are not using the computer. Maybe some old shop still has this book. Some old paint and body men could look at a color and know what to add to match a color. Good luck on finding any of this.
  9. Great looking truck.
  10. Enjoyed the pictures. Clean looking Chev. or GMC truck.
  11. Great pictures. Do you put a twist in your straps ?
  12. A lot of good ideas here. Radiant heat is the way to go if you use the shop a lot in the winter. Some of the farmers here have that most love it. A couple who use their shops on an infrequent basis have installed waste oil or propane back up on days that they will only be in the short time and not plan on using the shop for a while. I have a 40'x60'14'H. 20x12 and a 10x10 door. A paint booth on one corner with a rest room and shower. Hot and cold water, a slop sink and grate floor drain. I have wood heat with celling fans to push the heat down also A/C. I Have 2 overhead beams with 4 chain hoists. My old shop was only 32' deep which was not deep enough. The bigger the better until time to heat and cool it
  13. www.autobodytoolmart.com handles Kirker automotive finishes. They list a Mack red in their catalogue. Mack red 87-00 Mack code 72182. They have color chips available. You might check with them 800 382 1200.
  14. Enjoyed the pictures. It is a shame to lose something like ship hotel. I would like to have seen it.
  15. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Thanks for the advise. Was always afraid of these but never thought about them coming apart when removing from the truck. I do now.
  16. I sand blasted outside when the weather was ok. I sand blasted once in my old shop and it took years to get all the sand out.
  17. Rented a hot water pressure washer and spent two days cleaning the chassis. Worked good it took the factory postal blue off to the primer. Then sand blasted every thing. Applied an epoxy primer and painted with Eastwoods 2K ceramic chassis black gloss. I did not get the gloss I wanted and may redo the back half of the rails with Centari. Pictures of the black did not turn out well due to the light in the shop.
  18. Great job. The blue look sharp on this truck.
  19. Good looking truck. Engine looks clean inside.
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