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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by eddeere

  1. Great work. Just a question how did you bend the diamond plate ?
  2. Enjoyed the pictures.
  3. After removing most of the asphalt and grease I think the original paint may have been a gray-green or aqua. I thought it should be gray like the valve cover. Does anyone know the correct color and code. Thanks.
  4. I had my B model shoes relined last week about $50.00 a side which I did not think was too bad. I want to repack the inner bearings. I am not sure how to remove the seal / retainer to get bearings out. Any suggestions are welcome.
  5. Thanks for sharing.
  6. I think what Vladislav said makes sense. My manual is dated July 1, 1961. That's what I get for reading the directions.
  7. Enjoyed the pictures.
  8. I read in the Farm and Dairy publication a few weeks ago that the earth was so warm that 55 or 56 million years ago there were no permanent polar ice caps. Scientists discovered this by rock and soil samples drilling in Colorado if memory serves me correctly.
  9. They are grease filled. I finally found the procedure to adjust and repack the bearings in my tec. & service manual under Wheels. Who would have thought ? End play .002 - .008 makes sense. Fill the hub cavity with grease to level of bearing cups and fill the hub cap ( dust cap ) COMPLETELY with grease. Any thoughts on all this grease ?
  10. Decided to check the front brakes and drums. Being not sure on reassembly thought I would check the end play. I could not feel any so I thought would check with a dial indicator. Could not find any movement on dial no mater where I pried or pushed. What is the correct way to reinstall these bearings ? Thanks for any Help.
  11. The Mack was not for sale. Did not talk with the owner but his help said it had ben parked for 4 or 5 years and the owner would not sell it.. Left most of the good weather there.
  12. Sick of the weather in Ohio and flew to Las Cruces last week. Some trucks and Fort Bayard military cemetery.
  13. If I understand it correct you found all most of this where your B71 was along Rt 34 west of West Burlington. How far from Danville or New London ?
  14. Enjoyed the pictures. I have some from my New Mexico vacation I hope to post later.
  15. Yes at one point the motor seemed to be locked possibly to this gear broken which is driven off cam gear.
  16. Great find. A few years ago I drove up and down 34 from West Burlington a number of times but never saw this.
  17. A couple of weeks ago I tried to start the model B no spark. The impulse on the mag was broken. Sent it off for repair. I turned the engine over a few times and something did not sound correct. Pulled the governor cover and saw the broken gear. Pulled the steering shaft, hood, engine cover, & fan shaft to get the governor housing off. The fan shaft gear and drive gear have to be changed as a set. I found a good used set in KS. Spent the best part of a day getting these set up with shims and gaskets to get the proper heal and .004 - .007 back lash. The next day getting every thing back together. A lot of work to keep a radiator cool. I restored this tractor 40 years ago and hope to get another 40 years out of it. No clue what caused these to fail.
  18. Enjoyed the pictures. Some people have no sense of time or urgency.
  19. I am not sure what the 707A engine is. If it is a gas engine take a spark plug remove the porcelain braze in a pipe fitting reducer to fit a grease fitting. Put this in the spark plug hole, be sure the valves are closed and not stuck. With a grease gun pump the cylinder full of grease. This may will force the MMO past the rings and move the piston. If this works then the next problem is removing the grease which is can be flushed with fuel and is a real mess. This has worked for me some times but I often take the connecting rod loose first. I agree with FWD it may need a tear down.
  20. I started out with a 580 CK foot petals for the swing and used it for years. My 580 K all controls are different. Still sometimes have to stop and think what I want to do. After about an hour on it things become better. After I have not used it for a while I have to start all over. I was at the Case dealer and they were changing the controls on a 580 L. I asked why. The said the new owner had a Ford for years and wanted the 580 L to be more like the Ford was ?
  21. Great work. You will really have a treasure when done. As for welding and grinding on tanks I have had good luck filling with Murphys soap oil and water.
  22. Allis Chalmers was ahead of their time in a lot of ways. Too bad what upper management and the union did to the to cause their down fall.
  23. Great pictures.
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