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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by eddeere

  1. Need drivers side fender. Small dents ok. Can pick up at Macungie in June 2015 or close to south west Ohio. 513 889 7777. edstoffregen@Hotmail.com.
  2. Nice trucks. I like the superliner.
  3. Enjoyed the pictures.
  4. I would like to repair the left side hinge, right side seems ok. There is bushing on top that seems to keep every thing together. The only way I can see to get things apart would to grind the head off this and possibly drive the pin out. Then what to do for a bushing. I saved a post on this subject between Rob and Mowerman dated 22June 2011 and am still confused. There was mention of turning the hinges upside down and swapping sides has any one done this.
  5. If you can not find Novus #2 you might try automotive rubbing or polishing compound. I have taken scratches off windshields with it. How did you do with the wiring on the truck.
  6. Albert the walls are 2x6 insulated. It is heated with a large add on wood stoves and celling fans to move the heat around and cool in summer. I also have a large window a/c. After 38 years in the paper industry working 7 days with the only day off you could count on was xmas I built this as a retirement present to myself.
  7. Thanks Mike I opened the hinge looked inside found one bolt really hidden, that was it. Spent over an hour with this simple thing. I am not sure if I will sand blast the cab or have it dipped as I am going to have other parts , battery boxes ,fenders, and others dipped. American metal finishing ,Forest park, OH. north of Cincinnati is close to me .I have had a lot of tractor parts and plows done there with good results. However I understand there can be some problems with this on sheet metal where two parts are joined.
  8. I got the cab off today it went better than expected. Thanks for all the good advise.I would like to remove the kick panels to remove the door hinges. I also dropped a wrench behind one. All the bolts that I can see are out but the panel will not come out. Any suggestions. Thanks.
  9. Close to removing cab. What is the best way to support and lift cab. Also what are the two units pictured ? The one on left water separator ? The one on the right ? The black flex hose comes off air compressor. Thanks.
  10. Enjoyed the pictures. Does the dog belong to anyone ?
  11. I got a new pump from Shel's Supplies & Equipment Co. 203 934 8544 West Haven, CT. $ 22.60 cheaper than a rebuild on the old one. Works ok but the handle is close to the injection pump.
  12. My B takes the L F 750 15" high x 8" dia. The first one I bought was the L F 500 shorter I think.
  13. Enjoyed the pictures.
  14. The air cleaner on my B 61 has a 3/8 '' pipe plug with a hole in it on top . It had a cotter pin in the hole. What is the purpose.
  15. Welcome.
  16. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.
  17. After screwing around all summer I finally got started on the B. What is the best way to remove the steering wheel ?
  18. Welcome. Nothing like a Mack truck and a good dog
  19. Great looking car. Bet it was hard to let go.
  20. They had me park it in front of the big tent along the main drive at the Expo. The tractor has a cast extension on the front which moves the wheel out about 12". The rear axle is longer than a regular G. The harvester attached to this side and on back. It picked beets that were topped first and loaded on a truck or wagon pulled along side. One row at a time. Why I sold it ? I enjoyed finding the tractor, parts, and working on restoration more than taking it to shows. I sold it and a 1938 G last month. I guess I lost interest. Thanks for all the comments.
  21. 1951 G W sugar beet special. Goes to a new home next week. Bought in 1998 restored it in 2008 sold it last week. I spent almost a year in restoring it. Never did much with it took except took it to the Two Cylinder Expo in New York last year.
  22. Congrats. I will agree with Farmer 52 the pre-trip can be tough. Just be sure to go over everything. I failed mine the first time, was more worried about the driving skills test and missed a few things.
  23. Great find.
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