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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by eddeere

  1. I did not know the truck was for sale . I doubt if I could afford it with freight from California . Would like to know what the truck went for or any other details . Maybe the buyer just contacted him and made an offer he could not refuse . Could have been the sellers plan all along .
  2. I remember the truck . It was a short wheel base , yellow , S/A , shinny budds , H 63 . The guy had not been on the site in a few years . He posted a picture of the truck with new tires . I asked about the tire sizes and he responded . I think that was his last post . Wish the the truck was mine
  3. I have the same problem glass to tight in the lower channels . I had new glass made for both doors The right side works great . I think they must have made the left side to large . With new felts in the channels you have to crank hard and pull to get the window up or down . I tried what Maddog said but used some, oil did not help . I have the glass out now and going to take back to the glass shop . I hope they can take about 1/8 " off . The weld on the channel brace to door was broken in one place . I just brazed it back . Maybe some one else had the same problem and this was their fix . Good luck . .
  4. A lot of good work and information .
  5. Thanks. Does the glass need to be up or down to drop the panel ? After twisting the panel up ,down, back and forth all I have done is some how gotten the glass out of the tracks on the panel . If I take the regulator and everything loose the panel should come out leaving the glass inside removed next . Not part of the plan or the way it came out two years ago . I am sure it will go back just as easy .
  6. I used some glass setting tape from Restoration Specialties . I do not know why some thin rubber and adhesive would not work .
  7. Replaced the roll up glass on my B a couple years ago after a struggle got everything back together . Need to remove the glass on one again . Got everything apart except the crank assembly on the panel and can not get the window out . Can some one give me a step by step procedure on on removal . Thanks in advance .
  8. I get 8 to 10 calls a day . Google business account ,pay off student loans , & extended warranty . If I do not recognize the number I just do not answer . If you had time it wood be good to keep them on the phone and screw with them .
  9. For anyone interested Mack Superliner tractor Mack trans. low hole $5500 . Saw this in the 21 Feb. issue of Farm & Dairy pub. Should be in the central Ohio area . No connection . 740 509 0768
  10. I tried to look for the Liz Warren posts but could not find what I first saw . Wondered what happened .
  11. My doors were ok until I installed the new weatherstrip . The right door is good the left can not be closed all the way from the inside . You have to slam and push from the outside to close . Thought if I left it closed all the way the weatherstrip would eventually give in and form to the door lip . Months later still no improvement . I guess my next step is start cutting the strip with a razor knife .
  12. Enjoyed the pictures .
  13. Great idea but most of the democrats would not go along with this .
  14. What are they building ?
  15. Enjoyed the video . Thanks for taking the time to film it .
  16. Great looking paint job . I have not used Imron in years . I thought it was easier to spray than acrylic or single stage . Went on like the old straight enamel . I do not think any thing holds up better than Imron . From some of the old Dupon literature I have seen pictures of fire trucks that have been to close to the fire and the plastic melted in the turn signals but the Imron paint was sill good . I think cost was the main reason I stopped using it.
  17. There is couple of them around there . Wanted to stop but never see to have time . Going out this spring and plan to stop .
  18. Just got back to Ohio in time to miss the snow. Grain elevator and cotton bales in Texas . Rest NM.
  19. An Autocar working in New Mexico Jan . 2019
  20. I ordered a Thermodyne emblem from Watts . The shipping was $20.00 maybe the insurance added to this . In the end it did not make any difference I dropped it and it broke in half.
  21. My doors fit almost perfect until I put the foam door seals in . The right side is ok but the left is hard to close . The white and brown B 61 at the Lexington KY show with the factory sleeper did not have the foam seals . I asked the owner about them . He said the doors fit perfect without them so he left then out . I do not think he drove the truck much .
  22. Enjoyed the pictures . I agree I do not think the coils meet the required standards for hauling coils . Maybe they are light weight.
  23. J Handcock I have 3 1/2 " spacers now . Where did you get the spacers an clamps ?
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