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Everything posted by miro

  1. Could be the tach speed sensor?
  2. The older air horns had an adjustment, you could scew the trumpet into and out off the base, trial and error to get it to sound better
  3. Looks like an R model with a 285, looks rough
  4. The old 237's with a fabricated intake manifold also had probles with the manifold splitting along the seam
  5. You can use a - ground radio just make sure it's insulated from the truck itself, and make sure the speakers have two wires running to them and are not grounded.
  6. Saw the post that said all the trucks are made in Canada and Mexico, There is only one truck plant left in Canada Paccar in Quebec and it only buids class 7 and down. Navistar and FL hve moved to Mexico
  7. About 15 years ago Cummins came out with an L10g Natural Gas engine in Orion busses. It was a disaster in that they kept burning valves. The engine was an L10, the injector tubes were threaded, the mixer was where the pump normally mounted and it had electronic ignition. Also the turbo was water cooled. Cummins could never figure out the problem and they all dissapeared in the early 2000's The new Westport engines have direct gas and diesel injection and are using LNG with out the huge gas tanks on the roof.
  8. Did you reinforce the frame between the cab and bogie?
  9. What you have there is a Wagner service chamber, Its not a maxi. They are rebuildable or just buy a 24 servie chamber.
  10. We used to put o-rings over the tappets to hold them in
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