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1wonton last won the day on June 24 2022

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  1. Sorry to be so vague. I want to put a winch behind the cab. I'm thinking hydraulic but a gear driven winch would be just as good for my purposes. Just need to figure out what power take off would fit this transmission, I can connect a pump or shaft to it. 8-hole, left side, 34 straight-cut gears
  2. What kind of power take off would fit the Mack TRL 107 (5 speed) transmission (right side, 8 hole pattern)?
  3. I want to put an hydraulic winch on my B61. Has TRL 107, five speed transmission (34 tooth countershaft, straight cut gear)' where can I find a pump to fit this?
  4. Looking for recommendations for gas powered winch for my lobed. Something to mount on the upper tongue, 20k (+-) capacity.
  5. Checked all fuel lines to and from the pump but still found no leaks. Truck will start and run briefly after sitting a day or so, then dies. Could there be a leak inside the pump itself? I tried forcing compressed air from the tank but found no leaks. Would a check valve be needed?
  6. All good ideas. What is a good brand of 3/8" flexible braided hose? I see many different brands (Amazon, Summit) but some seem to have problems.
  7. My '60 B model loose prime after a day or so. Checked all the lines for leaks but can't find any. Could I install a fuel pump in-line or maybe a check valve. If a check valve where should it be located?
  8. Thanks Jeff, pulling a long hill the gauge does get up to that but for not very long. I guess that's ok?
  9. What whould be the maximum exhaust temp on the ENDT 673C?
  10. Thanks Weasel, would you know how to do this?
  11. The engine is a 673C, 250 hp; should I leave the governor alone?
  12. Here's a picture of the tag on the pump; looks like is says VB / C6393A (hard to read).
  13. My '61 B model Mack (237 engine) has a United Technologies diesel pump, it seems to be governed at about 1500 rpm, can't get any higher than that. How can I adjust the governor to allow higher engine speed?
  14. Any suggestions for adding power steering to my '59 B61? ron
  15. Here's my Pace/Cozad tilt trailer. 21' on deck.
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