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  1. Hi all, In an effort to offer machine enthusiasts-users a valuable resource and to promote our machinery moving capabilities we're sharing PDF machine and equipment manuals free of charge. We have thousands of volumes to post, however, we can only do so many at a time. If you don't see what you need, drop us a note. If we have what you need we'll put it to the front of the posting order. Follow the link for manuals. mimsriggers.com please show and post our link for others, we are putting a lot of effort into making the info free. We will also post any manuals that you send us to post. Thanks
  2. Hi All, I have a coupng of questions #1 My truck has a dynatard engine brake. I've had numerous problems with the Micro switch on the accelerator linkage. In my opinion Mack didn't use a very suitable switch for its application. I straightened this out with a much higher quality switch. Now, having got the switching issue under control I am not at all satisfied with the hold back property of this system. Consequently, my question is this. Seeing how the brake is definately workiing is there some problem that can make it have a reduced effect or is this "As good as it gets" with this type brake. If it is possible to be operating but not well what can I do? # 2 My 1988 R model is a heavy spec truck. I'm, for the most part, very satisfied with this unit and would like to restore it to A-1 condition. The problem is that it has a double frame that is rusting between the members and making them tweak out of shape. What can be done short of dissassembly? Thaks in advance for any help you can give Bill
  3. Hi All, I have a coupng le questions #1 My truck has a dynatard engine brake. I've had numerous problems with the Micro switch on the accelerator linkage. In my opinion Mack didn't use a very suitable switch for its application. I straightened this out with a much higher quality switch. Now, having got the switching issue under control I am not at all satisfied with the hold back property of this system. Consequently, my question is this. Seeing how the brake is definately workiing is there some reason that can make it have a reduced effect or is this "As good as it gets" with this type brake. If it is possible to be operating at a diminished capacity what can I do? # 2 My 1988 R model is a heavy spec truck. I'm for the most part very satisfied with this unit and would like to restore it to A-1 condition. The problem is that it has a double frame and rust between the members is making the tweak out of shape. What can be done short of dissassembly? Thaks in advance for any help you can give Bill
  4. Hi, I'm having a problem with my 1988 R model not shifting into high range and sometimes rev. At one point it wouldn't go into reverse unless I pumped the brakes to lower the air pressure. I then installed a small regulator on the shift handle, however, it still doesn't always shift right. My question is this: is there an air cylinder that can be replaced without pulling the trans out of the truck? One guy told me there was one on top of the gearbox and I sinply needed to jack the cab up and replace the unit. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Bill M
  5. Hi all, I've a 1988 R model w a 350 engine coupled to a 1070 trdl (says on decal in cab) transmission. I've been having problems both getting the truck into reverse and or high range. I've gotten stuck a few times trying to back in places. I found that if the air selector wasn't working that I could pump all of the air out of the truck by repeatedly pressing brakes and then when the pressure got back up to around 20 psi I would be able to get truck into reverse. I've changed the air filter constantly and even put an accessory air regulator on the shift handle which allows me to fine tune the pressure however, the truck still doesn't shift like I want it to. Has anyone had experience with this trans.? is the a air cylinder or something I need to replace Thanks in advance and Merry Christmas to all!
  6. Hi, I have a 1988 Mack R Tractor. I was recently cited for making excess smoke. The inspector had me hold the accelerator to the floor for several seconds repeatedly. The truck did appear to make undue black smoke. The man told me that it was probably the puff limiter. Looking the truck over I see that there is 3 lines on what I think is the puff limiter control valve. In testing them I find that one is energized with air upon releasing the brakes. The next line(going down to the injector pump) doesn't change upon starting truck, pressing the accelerator quick, letting off, or any other time. The third line looks to be going down to the transmission and simply hooked up to the intake along with the puff valve. My question is, when does the valve do what? I can only assume that when stepping on the accelerator I'm supposed to get air to the pump? can anyone explain or give me a schematic? Also can anyone tell me what the intake pressure should be on this truck. Thank you much Bill I'm attaching pics of the engine and of the valve itself
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