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  1. Well I’ve finally had some time in the shop swapped ecm with another truck and put the ecm from the truck with the miss in the other truck neither truck run different with the others ecm checked fuel pressure it seemed good at idle and at 1600 while I was at my dealer I picked up a fuel pressure regulator/check valve instantly upon start up could tell it run a lot smoother it was on the job today driver said its way better thanks for all the help
  2. No I don’t have a code reader for Mack
  3. I will clean these grounds I’ve cleaned the engine ground before but I will do it again where is this ground breaker in the bulletin and the ones on the dash?if there isn’t a lightning bolt on the dash will it retrieve this code if I use the cruise control or do they have to be active to do that?
  4. No that’s what’s strange I don’t recall a lightning bolt coming on in the truck when it does this I’d don’t have a lot of knowledge of how the system does it’s diagnostics if it had a bad wire or a wire grounding out should I have a lightning bolt?
  5. If these wires are grounding out at the eups would there be a lightning bolt on the because it doesn’t have one on it was the dealer for three weeks trying to find it
  6. Dealer did all the work with the eups but I will take a look at the wires
  7. Yes it’s got a miss when idling it doesn’t really come and go idling it’s kind of like if you take off at one stop light it’s missing really bad next one not so much it’s obviously down on power as well it really seems electrical to me just because it’s intermittent but seems to be more frequent than it used to be where is the best place to check fuel pressure
  8. We have a 07 granite with a 370 and t310mr trans it’s had a random miss that’s been getting worse you run it hard loaded in town that’s when it’s the worst when it cools down it’s not as noticeable sometimes it even nearly goes away almost instantly we’ve changed nozzles and eups cleaned engine grounds it’s been at the dealer they can’t figure it out I have a 05 granite that has the same engine and transmission can I swap ecms to see if that helps or does anyone have any other ideas
  9. Yes my dealer told me to clean the engine grounds when it started but I’ll revisit it and read your posts
  10. I’m working on an 07 granite dump truck with a 370 engine it’s low miles at 210k and it’s got a miss when taking off at low rpm also when pulling a hill but it’s intermittent our Mack dealer has put all new injectors ,lines, eups ,and adjusted the valves before we did this work it had some injector codes that would come on from time to time now it doesn’t there not sure what to do now they said run it till it gets worse
  11. Well I think we’re gonna pull the trigger on the truck talked to the owner sounds legit so I’ll guess we’ll see kind of makes me feel like a traitor to go for a truck without a grey motor
  12. Well it’s sounds like it runs as good or better and I’ve got really good dealer support in my area do they have the low end power of the grey motor trucks
  13. I’m looking at a 2007 granite with a mp7 395hp we currently run grey motor granites 370 and 427 I’ve never been around any of the mp7 how will it run compared to our grey motor trucks all of these are tandem dump trucks
  14. I figured it out I think it was assembled wrong the last time someone had it apart. I made all the u joint the same as the other truck that has the same setup which made my steering wheel 90 degrees off then I took it loose at the steering box and recentered it I was rereading everybody comments and when looking at the shaft it was just like mackpro said they are like an 1/8 of a turn off I’ve been so frustrated with this I’m glad it’s fixed thanks guys
  15. I removed the whole shaft but didn’t disassemble the lower shaft carrier bearing etc I can move it probably a spline each way and still get the staking bolt in should I try to get them out of phase as much as possible . It just seemed odd that one u joint was shot and the others were tight wondering if the weld on the short shaft was some repair done that cause the first u joint the bind a wear prematurely i’m I think my next move is going remove the short shaft and carrier from the other truck and try it also going to verify that all the lines are installed the same as the other truck I’m out of other ideas
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