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    North East Pennsylvania

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    Mack trucks, other trucks, school buses, etc.
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  1. That is one awesome looking milk truck! Those Titan log trucks look sweet as well.
  2. Nice truck! I wish him luck!
  3. Up until a few years ago, they did still have a few running around.
  4. All of their trucks have (that I've seen), have regular Fuller 10 speeds. They have one pre-emissions Pinnacle (CXP613) with a 9-speed.
  5. Awesome pics!! I'm jealous!!
  6. They do have a very sharp paint scheme. Here's a bit of a timeline of their purchases over the last several years. 2007 Mack Visions 2009 Freightliner Columbias 2012 Mack Pinnacles (order of 10) 2013 Freightliner Cascadias (order of 10-12) 2014 Mack Pinnacles (order of 10)
  7. I heard recently that Mack just renewed their contract with Allison.
  8. Haha, I was just thinking about that today, I haven't been down there since late last year. Now that the weather is warming up, I think a trip is in order.
  9. One word for your new Titan......Perfection!!
  10. I'm loving the blue and red combo!!
  11. Here's the link guys: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=671317766272836
  12. Love those yellow Granites!! ABF Freight is starting to sell off their older Sterlings, making them predominantly Mack, aside from a few FL Cascadias. Ulch Transport of St. Marys, ON is all Mack as far as I know. Sharkey Transportation is mostly Mack, aside from a few IH ProStars.
  13. Welcome from a fellow NEPA'er! I'm from over near Scranton though.
  14. Beautiful truck!!
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