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Everything posted by jdfordhd

  1. I think the RD hood looks just fine from the outside. Sittin' in the driver' seat is where it sucks. Can't stand the sloped hood hidin' all but the ears on the dog...!! Give me the original R hood any day..!
  2. This is sitting in my shop floor right now..! Lincoln Zephyr V12 flathead..!
  3. Love me some flathead Ford..!!
  4. I like it when people that tear things down are also good at building things up..! Great pack of Dogs..!
  5. Superdog, check your inbox please.
  6. A pic or two of what you have would be handy. Also.....Please change your font from "California Calligraphy" to "Redneck Readable" please...!! I couldn't figger ever thing out in your post..!!!
  7. http://www.golsn.com/listings/automotive/cars-trucks/classic_cars/4413016.html
  8. The twin air breathers had me wondering as well..! The E6 350 is a great motor. Packs a lot of punch in a small package..!
  9. Here is the three page invoice provided to the dealer by Mack. The dealer wrote in all the MSRP amounts. Note that the E9-500 option was $11,800.00. Wow..! Also if anybody notices the cast spoke wheel spec, my truck has the Budds, because I had them change that before I picked it up. About 10 years ago I had to fix a rear axle seal and I discovered that when they changed out the hub/drum assemblies, they put both hubs with left hand studs on the rear axle and both hubs with right hand threads on the front axle. Dealership mechanics, bless 'em, they just don't pay attention..!!
  10. I'm gonna' wear ya'll out with this stuff, so bear with me.! I bought an extended warranty for $330.00. The only time needed was to replace a leaking water pump when it had 47K miles on it. Check out the ticket for the repair. "Was making a gasket for the housing it broke"..!! The mechanic was probably using gasket paper and a ball peen hammer and got a little too rough with it..!! Also,I was thinking if I could have gotten a waiver on the 5 year time limit, it would still be under warranty..!! It only has 147K on it after 25 years..!
  11. Check this out..!! Mack actually rendered the Certificate of Origin stating it was a 6 cylinder truck. It is an E9-500..!! I had never noticed that before.
  12. Here is the original invoice for my Superliner. Since I bought it in KY, I had to pay the sales tax in my home state of TN. The sales tax was $3900 so the total I paid was $82500.00. I finally got it paid off the other day.!!! LOL..!!
  13. Here are a couple hood scoop pics. I was doin' some snoopin' in Nashville yesterday and spotted this R in a salvage company's yard. The owner was not there, so no info, just pics..!
  14. I bought a new R Model in 1980 with the 350HP that had the water/air cooler, tip turbine fan, painted orange. The truck was a hoss..! It had the RR 8spd with the deep reduction selector switch mounted in the center/top of the dash. I lost the truck 12/18/1988 to a sleezy thief. It was never recovered which led to the purchase of the Superliner I now own..!
  15. I will scan the invoice and post it. Seems like out the door was $84,000.
  16. You're right about the steer tires. Also the aluminum headache rack. I added those in January of this year as a "birthday" present to my Superdog..!! I have the rubber fender flare material for the front, but I just have a problem with drilling holes in the otherwise perfect front end with the factory original Mack Metallic Black paint..!!! A keen eye would also catch the half fenders installed this year. They are the third set of rear fenders. Leaving the GN support down on a detach takes it toll on full fenders.!
  17. Couple more from last week. Sometimes the going gets a little too rough for the Superdog and I have to take the 6X6 to "git'r done"..!! Second pic is the staging area. The 5 ton M818 is used to tow cell phone site equipment shelters up some very steep terrain here in TN.
  18. Thought a few more pics of my Superliner would be fitting for my 25th year of owning this truck..! First pic is the first load for it before I painted the yellow on it. Second pic is the first load after applying the yellow. I did the masking and shot the yellow myself. Used Acme poly paint with hardener and it still shines today like I just shot it..!!!
  19. Production numbers of the E9 were 3,768?!?!? Sounds low considering all the E9s sold to Australia, Canada and the US..! If that's an accurate number it means my Superdog with the E9-500 just went up a few notches on the "I love my truck." scale.(If that is possible!)
  20. Don't think I've ever seen this type of hour meter in a Mack before..! Got a few hours showin' on it though, don't it ? Nice truck.
  21. This is my very first "Red Ford"..! These pics are from 1969 when I was a senior in high school.
  22. I'm guessin' it to be a '65.
  23. I'm surprised that an EUC was not required. All the 5 tons and 2 1/2 tons I've had could not be sold outside the continental US. I'm guessing it's the difference between military specific and civilian type vehicles.
  24. I'm pretty good at guessing. It just closed at $29,200.00, $32,120.00 after the buyer's premium..!!
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