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Everything posted by jdfordhd

  1. Thought a few pics would be of interest to some of you..! These are from my special day back in March of 1989 taken at South Kentucky Mack Trucks in Somerset, KY. The first pic is of the first time I saw my new Superliner sitting in a line of new Macks.! Second and third pics are my first time in it for a test drive.! Last pic is Tom Hendrix, sales mgr. for So. Ky. Mack, presenting me with the keys..!! Sadly, So. Ky. Mack is no longer. The last time I was thru Somerset, the facility was grown up in weeds.
  2. Great project truck..! Just amazes me how not that long ago, COEs were well over half the trucks on the road, least ways in the east. Now I do a rubber-neck double-take every time a see any COE..!!
  3. Hey Enck762 check my FB page for my secret identity..!! https://www.facebook.com/DennisHuntCompanyLlc?ref=hl&ref_type=bookmarkAlso here are some more pics including the data plate from the McCord B'way. Says M761LL. SN 89327. Noticed others calling it a different model.
  4. Pic from this morning, my Superdog fixin' to head down Walnut Mt. in east TN with a decommissioned cell phone site equipment shelter. The 5 mile gravel road descent took just over an hour. Then 218 miles of pavement..!!
  5. The piece weighed close to 300,000 lbs. loaded on McCord's 300 ton lowboy. I never asked them, sorta thought it was factory tho. Thanks for the info and by all means share. Please share my original post on this truck as well. Shorty's recognition parallels the unique life of this truck.
  6. I posted pics earlier of this Brockway that recently sold. Here is the same truck working a job for me. I owned a crane service here in Mid TN for 40 yrs, just sold all my cranes 9-04-13. McCord is selling out now. Elliott Cranes has sold as well. Time marches on..!!
  7. Sorry 'bout that. Pretty sure my settings are set for public to view, so you do not have to "have" Facebook or want it. Just click on the link, look at the pics, grin a little, then close the window..!! I'll post some pics later when I get to my office 'puter.!
  8. Thanks for the compliments. People say "boy you got that Dog fixed up good.," and I say "No, I have not fixed it up, I have maintained it.! " The only time this truck has been wet is when I wash it or was driving it. Parking it under roof its entire life has been the key to keeping the original paint factory new.!!
  9. Here is a 1976 one owner Brockway that just sold June 12 for $38,000 in Nashville. Powered by 3408 Cat. It belonged to McCord's Heavy and Specialized Haulers based in Nashville. They are in the process of shutting down all services after 70 years in business. This truck was driven exclusively by William "Shorty" Crawford. Shorty, as a 12 year old black boy mesmerized by big trucks, started sweeping the floors of the shops for Buford McCord, the founder. Shorty rose to the position of "Most Respected" within the company and within the company's huge clientele base. Now in his 70's, Shorty is still there helping with the task of cleaning up and cleaning out.! Shorty has been and still is the "go to" guy if you need to know anything "heavy haul"..!! Here is a link to auction results (may not load for everyone): https://www.rbauction.com/1976-brockway-m761ll?invId=4068623&id=ar
  10. Check out my Facebook page for some pics of the Big Dog I bought new in March 1989. E9-500. 15 spd RR. 44K rears geared 4.64. 145,000 original miles. https://www.facebook.com/DennisHuntCompanyLlc?ref=hl&ref_type=bookmark
  11. Not a very clear pic, but I think this is what the OP is looking for.
  12. My MR Mack tractors.
  13. Thanks, the trailer I bought new in 1987. It is actually a Liddell/Birmingham, built before Fontaine acquired Liddell. Studied lots of lowboys, the non-bearing neck design of the Liddell was hands down the best on the market at that time, IMHO. Met with Mitch Liddell and his team prior to having it built. Great experience. Mitch was a great guy, he died a few years ago I'm sorry to say.
  14. Generally speaking, two 12's can replace four 6's and work just fine. I have done it with tractors, army trucks, etc. Just find the positive and negative for the 6 volt pair and delete the jumper. Techno heads will start quoting amp hours, reserve amps, blah, blah, blah, LOL..!! Just go buy two of the best 12's you can afford and go for it...!! I attached a photo of my 5 Ton Military tractor with 2 twelves replacing four sixes, which is a true 24 volt system. I am betting your truck is 12 volt.
  15. I posted a pic of my favorite, the Superliner. Here are a couple more of my Macks. MR tractors. One tandem, one single axle. Both, 300HP, Allison autos, air start and air ride. I went to Denver to get the single axle and Sioux Falls to get the tandem. They haul counterweight for my largest crane. I like the way the cabover MR is similar in appearance to the crane cab. Both trucks are ex-US Postal Service trucks. The guys like them, and I find them fun to drive too...!
  16. Hello Mack lovers..! My name is Dennis Hunt. I have owned many Macks over the years. Several B's, and R's. I bought a new 1980 R day cab in 1980. 350HP with 8 spd Road Ranger, 44 rears geared 4:64. Absolutely loved this truck. Came to work on the morning of December 19, 1989 and found it GONE..!! Someone, no not someone, some SOB had stole my baby..!! It only had a 155,000 miles. Lots more to the story but it was never to be recovered. In March of 1990 I was able to replace it with my new baby, a brand new 1989 Superliner, E9-500, 15 spd RR, 44 rears, 4:64. Still got it (see pic). To date, it has 145,000 miles with nary a cigarette smoked in it..!! Original paint. I painted the yellow myself when I first got it. Original brakes. Still looks brand new on the inside. It is a beast...!!
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