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Everything posted by tornado427

  1. Thanks Steve, but I have the shutters, they were only hauling off the expensive scrap like brass, copper, and aluminum, thank goodness they were not hauling iron I would be looking for alot more parts !! Doug
  2. you are running drive tires on the steer axel? are they all position tires? if not I wouldnt leave them on there very long, that might be your problem also I cant figure why any one would run caps on the steers! Doug
  3. Hi Donna, glad to hear you got her going!! its always a blast taking that first shake down ride!! cause then you find out right away what other things need worked on! have fun with the progress, Doug
  4. How many of you would be interested in purchasing some new 5 hole Alcoa's if they were available? I got on the Alcoa web site and e-mailed the person in charge of marketing for the commercial wheel division, and asked them if there were enough of a demand would they consider a limited production run of 20" & 22" 5 hole wheels, also the possability of tooling up some 5 hole wheels in 22.5" & 24.5" tubeless to get the traditional look with the benefits of modern radial tires. I know that there has got to be more people out there than just me that would want them. If they see how big a demand there is they just might do it, I am sure that they could sell alot of them to owners of newer trucks also think they would look good on some of the newer trucks, just need to find a way to convince them!! Doug
  5. as I am going to have alot of time to plan my B-833 project I have been doing alot of wondering to my self. Here are a few of the questions I was wondering about: #1 the cab on the B-833 is extreamly rough, no rust, but lots of welded up cracks, and dents. now I know the floor pans are different than the regular B series, so I was wondering about cutting out the floor pan and re welding it in to another cab and putting it on my chassis. could it be done with out too much trouble? #2 I have the other truck (B-62) I can use for the cab. only problem is that I have not seen any other B-62's so I was wondering if it would not be a good idea to part it out. can any one tell me the differences betwen the B-62 and the B-61?? I called the Mack Museum, and gave them the info on the two trucks, now just have to wait for them to send the info they have! The B-833 SX is serial # 1030, and the B-62 SX is # 1451, so if I under stand right the B-833 would be # 30, and the B-62 # 451 ? still new to this Mack stuff but Im gettin there! Doug
  6. beautiful truck, very nice!
  7. really like the color, wish mine looked that good!
  8. love that loooong wheel base!! beauty eh!!
  9. After a long heated "discussion" about my temporary lack of income, and no lack of incoming bills, ( I am off work with a bad back, waiting on surgery) not to mention the other two trucks that I am always working & spending money on my wife has convinced me to wait on putting any time & money into the B-833 project, so I guess I will just have to keep tabs on every one elses projects. of course I have her permission to buy & do what ever I want, if I should be lucky enough to win the lottery!!! The way things are looking now it will be at least next summer before I can even start on her. I ought to have lots of plans by then!! Doug
  10. might be better for everybody if he doesnt ever find reverse lol!!
  11. Hi John, sent you a PM ( pretty long one HA HA ) let me know if you recieve it ok, this being a new board and all thanks, Doug
  12. Hi Donna, Thanks for the phone numbers, I will be sure to give them a call on Monday morning, I have been wanting to find out all I can about my truck. It is in pretty rough shape right now as it was dismantled because of a broken frame luckily I have been able to round up almost all of the original parts, but its going to be quite a big project to get it looking original again. I am planning on putting log bunks, and trailer on it as it was used as a log truck by my Uncle back in the early 60's, then it was fitted with a Prentice log loader, thats how the frame got broke! any way thanks for the info, Doug
  13. Hi John, thanks for the reply. It would be great if you could get a hold of one for me, the only problem is that I would need you to store it for a while if possible, I am off work right now waiting on Back surgery, but when I go back to work I get up into PA quite regular, if you cant store it maybe one of my buddies could swing by and pick it up for me, dont know how happy they would be about packing it around for a couple of weeks though!! LOL any way let me know thanks, Doug
  14. I have been rounding up all the pieces of the B-833 and found out that my cousins hauled off the radiator for scrap How hard will it be to find a replacement? are there any other models that are the same? also I was reading about some of you getting info about your trucks from some where, where could I find the info on my trucks? thanks, Doug
  15. Hi all, my name is Doug Blevins, I live in Milan NM about 80 miles west of Albuquerque on I-40. I love old trucks of all makes and have had a 61 923 KW for a few years, and now I have a couple of Macks to go with it!! I just got my hands on a 1958 B 833 SX, NTO Cummins, and Quadruplex, and also a B 62 (not sure what year, didnt really pay that much attention) gas job, missing motor & tranny, also missing the grill and other misc. parts, looking forward to restoring these trucks, and sure I will be using this site for most of my info! Doug
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