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  1. That's pretty cool that you have an ex Campbell's B-61. You are correct about the paint colors. They were very sharp trucks in their day. I seem to remember Dad's trucks had black wheels with yellow pinstripe spokes.
  2. Thanks for the Welcome guys!! Yup, it's me, Jody... FE's and Macks go together like beer and pizza!!! LOL
  3. I've been lurking on this site for awhile but have never posted until today. My father drove concrete mixers for almost 40 years starting with Harry T. Campbells until his retirement when the company was known as Lafarge. He started in a B-61 which to this day holds his fondest memories. Dad always took pride in his trucks and kept them spotless resulting in the company often using them for promotional displays. Dad and I attend the Gephardts gathering every fall in Lititz PA. so he can still hear the old Macks run. I posted in the antique section looking for photos of Harry T. Campbell trucks. Evidently they are hard to find and a Google search came up empty. If anyone can help me with some photos feel free to email me at troublemaker427@comcast.net. Dad and I still mess with old Fords mainly with the old FE style engines. Maybe someday we will have a B-61 in the shop too....
  4. Hi guys, I've been lurking here for quite awhile and finally have something I hope someone can help me with. My father drove a concrete mixer for Harry T.Campbell (finishing with Lafarge) for close to 40 years. I'm having a "First Gear" die cast B-61 mixer custom painted like his first truck to give to him as a gift. Does anyone have any photos of any Harry T. Cambell's trucks? Dad was never much of a photo taker and I can't seem to find any on the internet. Harry T. Campbell's ran almost exclusively Macks and was based out of the Baltimore MD. area. Their trucks were red before they merged with Flintkote and went to blue. Their trucks were known for having "Watch that Child" on their front bumper. Dad started and finished his career driving a Mack and wouldn't drive anything else. He even threatened to retire early when they tried to give him a new International. I hope someone might come up with some photos or possibly steer me in the direction where I might find some. As far as I know there is no company archives. Any help that you can provide is appreciated.
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