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  1. Yes i ran it 1 year with a worn trunion and another year with worn out trunion, which ended up breaking 5 leaf springs. I replaced with new springs and trunions this winter. 44K rears bronze bushings and transverse torque rods.
  2. kscarbel, I guess things have changed because they sell the uppers here on this site http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=14_80
  3. I replaced my trunion and springs and noticed that my insulator pads are worn out again. I usually get a year or two out of the bottoms and every time i do a swap out the top pads are hardly worn.. so the question is.. can i do urethane bottoms and rubber tops? meaning leave my good rubber tops in and just swap out the bottoms for the urethane? cant find a post where anyone has done this..but would save me some $ if no issues.
  4. for less than $100 you can convert your old yellow halogens to H4 bulbs. Just type in H4 conversion and your number of bulb that you are using. LEDs are nice for markers and tail lights...but H4 is way cheaper and better for driving lights. Just converted my dump and am very very happy. Autopal is the housing i used.. the same as hella and bosch but cheap. H4 bulbs are at every napa, advance etc. Just plug n play.
  5. Air operated PTO systems do not work until you reach 90psi. So if you have an air switch the gear will not seat until that pressure is reached. Gear turns the pump which pushes the fluid. If your pump smoked, then you probably melted the o-rings in that shaft that you manually pushed in. Just remove the shaft and put new o-rings on. Try getting 90psi to the pto and i think u are back in business.
  6. two jacks. one under each podcap. Not a very safe or fun job for one man. Good jacks, good crib blocks, good jack stands.. or dont do it yourself for safety sake.
  7. Just curious if you are trying to make a living in this truck or just fooling around the farm? I cant imagine having a 1973 mack and not knowing much about working on them.. at least you will learn alot quick!! Clean everything up with brake clean... then drive it down the road to pinpoint where its coming from.. if its the little button leaking in the center..you can buy those for like a dollar and keep on trucking. If its the sight glass then its cheaper just to look at the number on the hubcap and go to napa and get u a new one. If you dont have a dollar for the button then soak it in brake fluid and it will soften and swell it up a tad and get you by for awhile.
  8. Snug it up, then back it off a tad. Make sure the spring saddle still pivots. If you are seeing bad tire wear, or can see your rear ends "floating" side to side in your mirror its time to get your trunion rebushed.
  9. contact aatruckpartsjohn on ebay.. he has everything you need if your salvage yard doesnt have what u want. He is very good to deal with. everything will come shipped on a pallet.
  10. measure the stud size on the axle cap, measure from the top outside of the hub to the first bearing race. doing my second conversion next week. $150 per hub with studs and nuts and a good drum is fair. Buying all the studs and nuts and drums...after the fact is very expensive..so keep a good eye on what u are getting from the salvage yard or it will cost u when u assemble. Also factor in new rimsX 8. Good used aluminums- $150 each. $2000 for a conversion on two axles is getting by cheaply once u figure in the 4 new seals.
  11. Well...thats not mine... i was asking from the picture where to get those parts? windshield logo, visor with MACK lettering, and the bumper addition.
  12. getting my own christmas list together and trying to find some cool additions to my RD. Here is a few i need help on. The logo on the windshield? The chrome visor with Mack lettering on it? and is that bumper addition custom?
  13. this may be it...very crappy picture but maybe... googled the virgofleet and found this... http://www.virgofleet.com/search_output_two.asp?PRODUCT_ID=CH630&LEVEL2CATEGORY=Air%20Breather%20Inlet%20Hoods&CATEGORY=Mack&MANUFACTURER=Air%20Breather%20Inlet%20Hoods&PageNo=1
  14. http://www.virgofleet.com/‎ that link didnt work for me...says error. searched iowa80 website..did not see the 'scoop' anywhere.
  15. k thanks but the donaldson or maradyne dont look like this one... maybe someone else knows.
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