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About dirtywhiteboy

  • Birthday 10/13/1970


  • Location
    tatlers ridge nc

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    big trucks dirt track race'in,..an skirt chaise'in!!
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  1. big cam III forulma 400 is the best cummins if you can find one,..the even rar'er formula 475 with tuned exhast an twin turbo's would be the ultimet!!
  2. lawd lawd,..would ya look at da chitter on dat there critter!!
  3. carriers are better for frozen stuff,..like chickens!
  4. theres a b-61 with a 400 big cam 3 in truck paper,..so it can be done
  5. the first ones had a big fan that blowed over a block of ice...real primative!
  6. 2 antinnas will be more domanet but in a smaller area,where a single one will get out farther but not as strong...to origanal post...make sure plastic washer is between airal an braket,..an run a 16 gage ground wire from braket to radio an from radio to fram,..ch cab is mounted on rubber bushing for cab suspision an air bags...if this dont fix you up,..then take your radio to good cb shop an get it tuned,some times the inturnal adjustments are off from factory...
  7. all that work to make a yamaha look like a fat boy,..an it still ant no harley...
  8. hammers chillsels,..punchs seal knockers,...gasket scrapers...a/c hoses an gauges,....clutch adjuter tool,..slack adjuster puller tool....torques heads set,...goot set of easy outs/boilt extractors...torch set...freind of mine got 5 strage vans full of tools an still gose tool shoppin most he's days off!! when i went to diesel collage we got 50% off craftsman,40% off snap-on,..an 60% off MAC,...if he knows witch way he gonna go at being machanic be best to buy all the bigger high priced tools there with these descounts an get warrenty!!
  9. already happen in cali ant it?? nothing without emissions?? idk but thay say its coming one day,..along with computer logs an black boxes an accident recorders....ill burn my CDL's first!!
  10. hotrod mag has ran several articals on spray bomb paint jobs an even a roll on method...an god not show wining,but good results can be obtained...95% of a great paint job is in good prep an body work,..other 5% is luck!! what i boils down to is,...same amount of work for cheap paint that wont last or protect to save few bucks,..add up supples both ways,...doubt its 200 bucks deference...
  11. got a 07 ch613 doing same thang 2 outside cab light go out an depending on trailer as to how many if any trailer marker lights out,...pull relays an switchin fuses dose no good,... ones under hood an in dash ,...an cant gettum straght more than 2 hours when it dose this lil deal ether....seems worse in wet weather,..idk,...machanics dont know....guess thayll figuer it out when i hand them a ticket...
  12. i talked with saler of this truck 2 months ago but didnt have the $$ at time,...glade it found a home as he was close to scraping it! you gonna put it back to over night specs or something deffernt?
  13. im dumb right with you,..fixin to buy truck to run my self....figure its time to climb ladder or get of it one...
  14. see if'in he got a title fer it an what kinda shape cab is in come spring,...g'pa bought one new in 74 to replace his just broke in 69 that dad took over..love diamonds bedda than hot blonds
  15. thats exactly what it is,...1971 to a 1976 bout 76 was last production run on diamond reo's but special orders still can be acquired...wounder what kinda shape its in an if'in it can be bought?????
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