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Everything posted by dirtywhiteboy

  1. you can get the calender free in this months issue of overdrive,...got mine last week in the mail... vision'...you right bout the weather!! raining all day,..all night too so far here at shack 8 miles below speedway...an that winter mix was fallin most the late afternoon from lynchburg to big island an back,..dont know if kids will get to go to truck race tomarrow if it dont let up soon!
  2. thats one bad screaming demon right there!!
  3. see what your saying now,.....just dont think this lil pup grown up nuff for what im doing with it,...in an out loggin trails dragging chips to mill in mountains,..grossin 85 to 90,000
  4. oil in air tank is the air compressor,...ether is so hard on the rings!! i never use it,..truck wont crank on fuel its to cold to take da dawg out fer a walk!!
  5. cave men didnt have showers...or tubs,..was ponds lakes an rivers,..maybe a rain shower..lol
  6. well thats whats on both i drive,..ch600 an both are 1 steer axle an 2 drive axles.... both E7-427's ones a 13 speed an others a 10 speed
  7. is the deference in the suspension??
  8. big gettin bigger,..small gettin smaller!
  9. judging by the 2 427s ive been driving,...bedder hope its a real small grain trailer!!
  10. how long is it gonna be down? fixing your self or in a shop?
  11. bet some body droped it trying to fill it with fuel to fill a filter,...dropped a dr pepper in my dads one time....
  12. glade you figured it out....
  13. are you bobtailing or you pulling sumtin???
  14. boss man had 2 cams crap out on him last 3 1/2 weeks! both are '03's then first one out of mack dealer shop crapped again in less than 2 weeks....dropped my wore out 97 E7-427 off at shop today doing the skip an shake boggie!!
  15. try the farmall red at tractorsupply....30 a gallion!
  16. were the steer tires balanced??? could be that famous wonderful camel back smooth ride!!
  17. different size wheels for more popular tire size's!!!
  18. got a 12 gauge pump ike batica swat issue by night stand with turkey shot,...sum body brake in ill shoot the turkey!
  19. take your time,...an a trick ive lernt,..use super glue!! faster drying less chance of it moveing before glue sets an saves a ton of waiting to dry!! an only use plastic model paint!! never know how other paint will react with it an have had some bodys melt into a puddle!! but added lotta bling to my spare parts box!! paint takes 3 days to a week to dry,....an a clear coat helps apperance of paint an how itll look over time!! small parts take lotta time to hand paint an even longer to dry!!
  20. by the mid 80's 1 to 3 tags on front bumper,..no tag on rear of truck,...an one tag on rear of trailer,...muti number of fuel permits on side of cab,..most time side box door,...one permit per state operated in,..an thay varied in size most were square an some rec tangled,..colors changed every year,.....ohio was white always an on right windshield bottom right corner,...new york was on front bumper an was yellow/orngish an dark blue,..most these were bout 4 to 5 inches by 4 to 5 inches an were mostly 2 colored,..a base color an shape of state in a contrasting color....love building model trucks but hard to find kits now an are overly expensive! got a gmc astro,...a w900a a 352 pete,..a 73 diamond reo,...a 68 fraightliner.,...a dubble wide k100 an a 4070 I-H i ant finished,..most were rebuilds from a collection that was dumped in a box as thay fell apart an built to replica's of trucks i grew up with.....an great dane spread axle reefer ive been rooster cruzin since i was 8,..in 1978!!
  21. like to see dimond reo!
  22. ol man named curtis scarce from danville va back in 60's an 70's use to have a bad ol B-model wreacker with bout 250 wheel base an 3 gear sticks,....was a bad ol dawg fer sho!!
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