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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by DailyDiesel

  1. How many cup holders does it have?
  2. Gravity is a real bitch out in the Chicago area.
  3. I recently started to used a dashcam to capture the "magic" of winter driving. I was shocked to hear the words that came out of my mouth during playback.
  4. Maybe the cars can even tattle on each other. Like this morning when an asshat BMW (surprise!) Decided to blow through a solid red and almost took the front of my car off. The traffic ticket can print right out of their dash.
  5. What has Paccar figured out regarding DEF and engines randomly derating that other builders (Mack, International) have yet to figure out?
  6. Nice! Is the business still around? Also, I've been informed that the wrecker body is Holmes w45. I'm inclined to believe that is correct only because I know little to nothing about wreckers if the nameplate isn't visible.
  7. Was for sale when the photo was taken, current location unknown. B-67 with Holmes 750, Stockhauser's of Prospect, NY.
  8. Facebook has been killing forums over the past few years. Is BMT next?
  9. It's easy and funny to point the finger at President Obama and blame him for this one but in reality the reason is much more complex and doesn't support the claim. The death rate for White Americans has been increasing by nearly 1/2 a percent each year since 1998. (Thanks Clinton and Bush the II) It would be nice to pin this all on Obama but generally people are leading more unhealthy life styles than ever before. An increase in accidental poisoning (drug overdose) increased 13% last year along with a 6% jump in automobile related deaths. Chronic diseases of the liver continue to rise along with the usual suspects of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. Among the lower educated the rates of death are highest. The good news, infant mortality rates remain unchanged. If anything, the fact the life expectancy rate just dropped highlights the need for increased healthcare for ALL regardless of income and education. Hell, it points the finger solidly at education reform too! Anyway, since Trump has stated himself that he thinks much of Obamacare is good and plans to keep large sections of it, I guess this number won't be changing anytime soon. Bed time reading if your interested. http://www.pnas.org/content/112/49/15078
  10. It's funny, when Obama was first elected 8 years ago he had a similar group of rabid supporters and a similar amount of distractors. Now those two sides have exchanged positions and neither can remember what it was like to be the other group. The more things change. The more they stay the same.
  11. I am not dismissing. I am simply stating that the tactic used to save jobs in Indiana is one that has been used countless times across the country, often with questionable results. I really hope it works for those workers in Indiana in the long run. I really do.
  12. I come from the hometown of what used to be Carriers base of operations and manufacturing. In 2001 they decided to close up shop and head to some location in the pacific. No amount of tax relief was accepted, in fact Carrier turned down nearly 20 million in various proposals citing "global realities" that made any form of incentives not worth it in the long run. If I was a worker in Indiana I wouldn't count on these jobs lasting for more than a decade. Also, coming from the land (NY) that invented tax incentives as a way to keep or lure businesses I say good luck to Trump. Everyone, and I mean everyone, will now be coming with their hand out. It's corporate welfare in its truest form. Not a single project can be built in NY now with some form of tax break, PILOT agreement or some other BS. Many of these companies seeking help could easily afford to self finance but why bother when you can make an empty threat and have the taxpayers pick up the risk?
  13. Very interesting, there seem to be some well established trucking industry giants associated with this project. The daycab doesn't look half bad as far as modern trucks are concerned.
  14. Seems to be a strong running truck, I saw it twice at truck shows this year. There was a good discussion about this truck at the Brockway Trucks FB page if you're into that kind of thing.
  15. https://asheville.craigslist.org/pts/5896827922.html 600 Firm! No title.
  16. I never bothered to click on this thread until today. I had just assumed it was a post complaining about winter!
  17. The tow truck biz must be booming!
  18. If you don't like this one then I don't know what to tell ya. Also from the Tackaberry Collection.
  19. Despicable. Sadly people will do anything to make a buck and always have. I read about this story the other day and learned that many ships from both World Wars are highly sought after not just for scrap metal but because they existed before the atomic age and therefore have "low-background" steel. Apparently decades of nuclear testing have resulted in most modern steel being contaminated with various atomic particles making this steel unusable for medical and other advanced uses. What an age we live in.
  20. Seen at the Tackaberry Collection.
  21. They don't always step in and we can see that plain as day in many industries like steel and electronics. Personally, I'm glad an American company wasn't allowed to be hollowed out from the inside by bankers and others looking to get all the best pieces. For once American tax dollars stayed in the U.S. and helped fellow Americans.
  22. Outside of Lyons, NY.
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