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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by DailyDiesel

  1. Take a look at any new International truck and you will notice they longer leave the factory with model name badges. It's been like that for most of the summer.
  2. Detrooooooooittttttttt
  3. I'm pretty sure he came in through the front gate unless they off loaded in nearby parking lot. I don't even want to think about the price tag of those tires.
  4. Interesting that the work is staying in the US and not heading down to International's Mexico factory. I wonder if Ford bringing their commercial trucks to Ohio had anything to do with that decision? Great news all around.
  5. VanSlyke Trucking, long Mack truck user. A few other brands snuck in over the years but I recently saw a new Granite at Beam Mack for them.
  6. Always plenty of Superliners at this show. Nice sound to this one. Break time.
  7. Dirt hauling at the site of the once mighty Oil City in Syracuse.
  8. I put together a top 10 video from the past six years or so. A few Macks made the cut.
  9. Real nice event ATCA truck show coming up in Harford, PA in on Sept 6th, Just over the NY border.
  10. Good things come to those that wait!
  11. Do you need to register for trucktoberfest if you are not bringing a truck? I would like to just stop by and see all the sights.
  12. Here is the truck Alex was driving at York. He honked his horn at me as he passed. My 15 seconds of fame.
  13. For those that didn't make it to the show.
  14. Lord have mercy on us all.
  15. Where is Hugh the Polar Bear Rowland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interesting note, money is provided by the producers for the purchase of trucks by the drivers. At least that is the deal Hugh was pulling a few seasons back. He would get a set amount of cash, go find his busted up 9400's, fix em up for the road, sell em at the end of the season, pocket the difference.
  16. They run them hard, that's for sure.
  17. Trucks operating in NYS so close enough.
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