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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by DailyDiesel

  1. CCI runs a bunch of older Macks.
  2. I want to go to this show but damn I can be lazy sometimes.
  3. Saw this in the local paper yesterday Syracuse.com, the first steel beams arrive in 1965 for what will be the future Mutual of New York buildings in downtown Syracuse. I believe I see two Macks in the bottom corner. What say you?
  4. Don't worry Vin, you have another chance with the ATHS show in late Sept
  5. Granite MHD for Northland Communications.
  6. Looks ready for work.
  7. That is one hell of a find!
  8. What is old is new. What is new is old.
  9. Villager Construction seen outside Geneva, NY.
  10. I wonder if any maker of heavy trucks would think about bringing their trucks over to the US?
  11. Always a great show. Thanks for sharing.
  12. That one cuts deep.
  13. Gorick Construction of Binghamton, NY
  14. Not white. Off white maybe? 2015 ATHS York
  15. Should have become a welder! 2015 ATHS York
  16. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YZeGRvYWm4c Even tow trucks had problems last year.
  17. hahaha, no, by this time during the day I was already full on corn! I did see a large group of guys following the show photographer around but I prefer to find my own angle on events. Thanks for watching my videos. Plenty more to come.
  18. Haha, very true. Plenty of Kenworth "bullnose" models as well. I'm pretty sure I have a video of that Pete with the 8V71. I'll dig it up. In the mean time...
  19. A few of my faves.
  20. I first saw this truck a two years ago and now it is for sale, along with the Diamond Reo. From the craigslit ad Mack is a 1983 model with 143,000 original miles. Engine is a Mack 285HP unit with 6+1 transmission. 18K front axle, 44k rear with 20K float. Was once part of a 40 truck fleet according to seller who is asking a firm 9500. Gold Bulldog, seller says, looks silver to me. Minoa, NY
  21. Freightliner is welcome to stay? LOL, I guess Navistar is hard up for cash!
  22. I'm seeing some Volvo VHD in this design.
  23. I guess they really hated Fort Wayne, a location that already contained these kinds of facilities.
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