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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by DailyDiesel

  1. I wonder what kind of inspection you would get by your local DOT inspection crew with this truck?
  2. Not sure, I like the pin striping that appears to be a welding bead.
  3. This is what happens after a Mack Truck is exported! From the latest Mad Max moving opening this weekend. The movie was filmed in Namibia so it's possible they found this truck already there. Who knows. Looks fun!
  4. Looks like he is daring you to drive off with him on the hood.
  5. I had to watch out for lions. Did you take a pic of this one Vinny? Rome Ready Mix or whatever name they go by now.
  6. Outside of Rome....................NY that is.
  7. Beast machine. Cool to see IDOT still working this "old" truck.
  8. Next time you see it scratch the paint on the hub to find out.
  9. This was just outside Adams, NY. Butterville Farms.
  10. But really, what is the recourse for Liebherr? Will a Chinese company the resorted to espionage really stop making their copy cat trucks? Will they agree to pay any judgement? I would say the damage has been done. Of course, making a truck from stolen blueprints is probably harder than it looks.
  11. Glad everyone enjoyed! Here is a "newer" one from last fall.
  12. Old Ford 7500
  13. Still has that new backhoe smell.
  14. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  15. Let's hope the leads to a new generation of big rig racing!
  16. So it appears they are still using the S-Series cab.
  17. At auction a few months back for AJAX, a oil drilling company that can't make a go of it in NYS? Say what?
  18. Computerization. Most of the photos in this thread are larger than 128K! How times have changed.
  19. After spending some time at UPS this past holiday season I don't believe a truck like this would ever be ordered again.
  20. Looks like it was setup to do plowing at one point.
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