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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by DailyDiesel

  1. Nice little project under way.
  2. I would pay admission for this show. Gladly.
  3. True, but Ustain repeatedly pushed the "magic pill" of EGR in the Maxxforce line despite his engineers telling him it was flawed product that would never work correctly. From this article as CCJ.com So the end sum was Navistar trying to meet ridiculous government mandates with unreliable technology.
  4. Nope. The licensing on for real world models for ATS takes forever. The game has been out for maybe 2 or 3 years and they just released the International Prostar. On the Spintires side they seem to have no trouble licensing products from GM, Ford, International, etc. I really wish I had the skill to make the models used in both these games.
  5. There is a new version of Spintires coming out soon. It's slated to have the IHC Transtar, Oshkosh, and I believe the Scout.
  6. The designer of the Brockway "Superliner" is Bob Eckard. He is still alive and kicking in the Cortland, NY and recently donated some of his original concept drawings to the Brockway Museum. Mr. Eckard has an opinion on where Mack came up with the inspiration for the Superliner and to cut a sad story short it ain't from Allentown.
  7. The Loadstar wrecker is the best post so far.
  8. My 1952 L-112
  9. They sure did haul some heavy loads with those old rigs. Thanks for sharing.
  10. I always hear the one around my house but I never see it. Mostly because it is active at ungodly hours. Nice catch.
  11. Here is the largest crane shortly after finally assembly a few months back. There is actually a second crane on site now, slightly "smaller" in capacity. It has a pad on the other side of the dome. It's a very impressive sight to see both booms in the sky at the same time but very difficult to get in the camera frame!
  12. I take plenty of old truck photos from various shows around the country and enjoying sharing them with others. I put a watermark on my photos simply to point people back to even more of my collection. What I don't understand (honestly it pisses me off) are the few that enjoying taking my photos and cropping or editing out my watermark. Leave it alone! Share the photo the way you found it. I guarantee you will get the same amount of likes on FB. It didn't bother me that much in the start but at the years have rolled on and the thieves have become more brazzen I've started to share less. I suspect Hank had similar feelings.
  13. I was in MA a few weeks back and bought this very bag solely because it had a truck on it. 😂
  14. Here is a video I put together of the parade/track action.
  15. Looks like a major downsizing is taking place. It appears the main shop is up for sale? Camps? Trucks! Everything! https://www.lyonauction.com/auctions/auction/millinocket-maine
  16. Deleted I assume. Hopefully the original owners kept copies.
  17. Very interesting. Now you west coast guys can get in on the Brockway action!
  18. This old rig will bring plenty of eyeballs to your YT channel. Great work!
  19. 3.5 or 5.25 size floppy disk?
  20. To dream the impossible dream.
  21. LR11000 under assembly at Syracuse University.
  22. Cool. I was not aware of the "bullet" model.
  23. Guess these guys got bit but the truck bug back when Cat made trucks. 😏
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