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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by DailyDiesel

  1. Alkane is a new company offering nothing but natural gas powered trucks using Ford engines and transmissions for class 7 vehicles. I'm not sure what body they are using or if any of their trucks exist in the real world. Vaporware? http://alkanetruckcompany.com/ I mentioned it on my website yesterday, maybe James has too many browser windows open.
  2. Not bad for a salt truck. Fred Burrows Trucking
  3. Basically the story Bullhusk has been telling us for years.
  4. JAC truck at Navistar Corporate HQ in 2012. Google street view also some some other offerings from European builders.
  5. Some Riccelli Trucking action for this morning.
  6. Same location. Lots of neat stuff appears to be hiding behind a fence and some trees.
  7. Rock Cut Road in Jamesville, NY. Just east of the incinerator, just over two years ago now.
  8. Yup, I've see that one too many times to remember. Van Slyke has always been a loyal Mack user but the Kenworths have been sneaking in lately. They have some cool photos on their website as well. Van Slyke Trucking
  9. I believe awhile back someone asked if Teal's was still around. The answer is yes.
  10. Spied these two over two years ago through some weeds. Looks like an interesting setup
  11. That green Autocar is very unique looking. Reminds me of this setup. Good luck!
  12. Stopped by a job site this weekend, found two Mack CL-700's working for Riccelli Enterprises.
  13. BMT Exclusive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If Navistar's EGR had worked it would have been huge for them. No DEF fluid need every. Money in your pocket. The engines would sell themselves. Unfortunately, from what I've read, Ustain thought if he muscled his engineers and technical staff around enough they could make the impossible possible. Now he is gone and Navistar is fighting to just hang out to what is left. God only knows what foreign company will swoop and take them over. LOL, maybe Cat will change their minds and just buy Navistar outright.
  15. I forgot the back story on this one but it was at a local Firemens Field Days.
  16. I took that photo in June of last year. Wasn't the MHD announced a few months prior? I guess it could be, if it is, one of the first on the road! Town of Lenox, NY runs a nice fleet of Macks. They even had a Brockway until maybe 15 years or so ago.
  17. It probably is. I don't think it was part of the auction.
  18. Looks better than it really is.
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