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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by DailyDiesel

  1. I like your version of the story better! Mark, here is a larger version of my avatar. I poached it from the Brockway forums. The file name says "Early 527 on dyno", it's such a cool shot.
  2. I most likely am wrong but I believe I was told this truck was running a powertrain from a modern Volvo. Image from huskidrive.com
  3. Awesome! I think I speak for many others when I say if there are more trucks hanging around the plant please share them!
  4. 1st Gear really does great work. The cost isn't that bad for what you get. I used to collect them but then I got married.
  5. Here is a shot of the truck leaving the show in 2012 near the :44 second mark.
  6. Here is a nice survivor that belongs to the local towing company Moulton's, truck action starts at the 1:19 mark.
  7. Would this happen to be the one? From the 2013 ATCA Northeastern Penn (Endless Mountains) Truck show.
  8. How many people drive by and think that is just another Pete?
  9. He almost won the slow truck race! Nice rig.
  10. I took a look through my videos from Harford from the past few years and I couldn't find this truck. This truck did not slow truck race in 2012 but the video from that year is still pretty fun. Plenty of nice Macks!
  11. Clever what they did with the grill.
  12. You beat me to it! Great movie but wife doesn't get it. It's just a boring movie with some old truck chassing a guy she said. EXCATLY! What more do you need?
  13. Moonfire is such a crazy movie. It can be viewed for free on YouTube.
  14. Needs flames.
  15. I think he has watched too many episodes of American Pickers.
  16. Woooooow. Drool factor of 10!
  17. 8 years of people bitchin about Bush followed by 5 years of people bitching about Obama. I'm about sick of hearing it from both sides!
  18. I would agree. For awhile the LoadStar was listed on their website but is now gone. I would imagine the low cab forward market place only has so much room for growth with established players like Mack and Peterbilt.
  19. The 9800 looks dated compared to COE offerings from the European builders. Interesting to see the Workstar with sleep and roof fairing for South America. I've never been that happy with the International Trucks website but I guess they plan to stick with the design style seeing as they are using it for the global markets now. How about this Chinese DuraStar. Will we ever seen the latest incarnation of the LoadStar? International purchased a large factory in Alabama for the manufacturing of it but that was before the whole EGR debacle.
  20. First Gear has announced a new model to the 1/64th line, Mack R model! This might be the first small scale FG I check out. Wow, just looked at the price, 109?! Seems high to me. http://www.firstgearreplicas.com/product_detail.cfm?productID=46538
  21. I feel the same 84Superdog and I've said the same thing about my photos. I run my website because it's something I like to do, it's my hobby. I watermark my photos simply to direct a few visits back to my site if and when the photos get out there. I probably would be a little P.O. if someone cropped out my name when it would only take a moment or two to mention where the photo came from. Oh, and one more thing... MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  22. Techinically when a photo is posted on Flickr the poster of the photo owns the rights, it is not considered public domain unless otherwise stated by the owner. Just saying.
  23. I will agree, those Ikea cases are great, fairly heavy too. I only have one but I wish I had more.
  24. I agree Mark. For many people they are simply a tool to be used and then tossed when no longer needed. It's up to you to figure who is the crazy one in the equation.
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