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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by DailyDiesel

  1. Great collection of trucks! Seems like at least one of every make/model was present.
  2. Sadly the pendulum swings one way...and then back the way it came. Too extreme in either direction. That is the problem.
  3. Very cool!
  4. He probably thought he was a being a good drive by clearing the passing lane so quickly.
  5. All right, since we have some professional construction types here I have a question regarding road "repairs". What is the logic or reason for milling the road about every 10 yards to place a strip of new asphalt from shoulder to shoulder? Each strip is about a foot long. God help you if have a bad back on this portion of 81 outside of Whittney Point, NY.
  6. Great looking rig. Here it is action. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITAZFzs39iQ
  7. Mack was trying to sell Brockway to another company? And that is one beautiful truck 2 Stick.
  8. You may have noticed that the yellow Superliner is single axle with a Detroit power plant....a fact that has angered some around these parts.
  9. Brockway, a victim of its own sucess?
  10. Nice looking machine. On an unrelated note I was checking out the prices to rent an off-road dump truck from Hertz, 1800/day, I was like
  11. The truck in action. http://youtu.be/OAF64esibPA?t=2m55s
  12. hahaha, I had a feeling that combo would cause some elevated blood pressure levels.
  13. And even more Superliner action.
  14. Here are my video takes on Macungie relating to Mack Trucks. Everyone's favorite RS700L Detroit powered Superliner
  15. Thank you for grabbing a shot of that engine! I was leaving when that truck came in so I could only gawk and drool as it rolled by. Plenty of near perfect GM Heavy trucks on display. There was a really nice Chevy Bison that caught my eye.
  16. American owned companies, operated by Americans, selling out to the highest bidder. You tell me what is worse.
  17. I bet you at least one person drove by and became pissed at the four spots he was using. Nice catch!
  18. Looks like a great collection of iron. Only two more years until the ATHS National show in York, PA!
  19. I've always wanted to make the trip to visit Big Brutus. I don't know how many of these large striping shovels remain in active service. Maybe none? There are some great videos of the Silver Spade in action on Youtube. I'm always amazed at how quite these machines are due to their large electric motors. There is an author by the name of Keith Haddock that has pen'd some great books on the subject.
  20. A similar thing happened to my uncle's tractor a few years back. Turned out it was just a group of 15+17 year old kids who were "bored". It's best not to try to make any sense of it.
  21. I don't believe this is a U-Model.
  22. This truck was up for auction this past Saturday, figured there would be a few people around here that would enjoy it. 1987 RM6884X with a E-6 and 9 speed Maxitorque. This truck was immaculate. I'm not sure what it sold for, I never make it to the end of these events. Too much BS.
  23. I also wondered why they dropped diesel from the their name. Silly if you ask me. Of course the new tag line is "Demand Detroit". Marketing, go figure.
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