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  1. It looked like a B model dash panel on the wall.
  2. ….and where do you get one? Are they chrome or stainless?….Thanks. (The chrome around the head lights) .
  3. Where is you antenna mounted? Some trucks have fiberglass doors (the mirrors are attached to the doors). The antenna needs a good strong connection to metal. Perhaps this is your issue. You mention it is tuned "right". What did you do to determine it is tuned right?
  4. Wow. Thanks, and I love the pic.
  5. I mean the Mack. They are a lot stronger than the Russian trucks. …and I find myself in Moscow often (Tverskaya near Pushkinskaya). I assume you must be an expat. Your English is excellent.
  6. If you're in Moscow, you know how big a Kamaz can be. Check this video of the Kamaz racing team. It gives a whole new respect for Russian trucks. …and you know you probably have the toughest truck in all of Russia. oh….. хороший день
  7. (1) America is never going to produce more crude than it needs. There is not that much crude in the ground. (2) If America produces crude oil (either a little or a lot), then American people will benefit from it, along with the oil companies. It seems really basic to me. You point out…."if we become the leading producers of crude"…… well if we are producing crude, we are employing thousands in our own land to dig and pump for the oil. We are employing those that build pipelines and storage tanks. We are employing the steel companies that manufacture the tanks and lines, the truckers, train operators, insurance companies that insure these folks…..it goes on and on. Yes, the oil companies may make billions, and at the same time the American economy will benefit. It sounds like a good idea to me. Unfortunately, the economic system is not as simple as that. We live in a global economy, not inter-country. We buy and sell goods from other countries for many reasons. Some of those are strait economy (we buy and sell to the best source), and some reasons are political. Sometimes it is to the Country's benefit to purchase (for example) from another country, even though we could do that within the USA. We sometimes do that because if we do, the US gets a promise from that country that they will do something else the US wants or needs. Life needs to be this way, we are dealing with cultures that are different from ours and as long as we need things from those cultures, we will have to make deals.
  8. Should I be embarrassed to say I bought them both on Amazon at the same time?
  9. I think I have you beat…..I bought the DVD off Amazon.
  10. Stop your moaning. The President has very little to do with this issue. The House is the same. If you want to look at the people responsible, look in the mirror (figuratively). Exxon and similar companies own the oil in Alaska, not the President. Exxon sells it to the highest bidder (wouldn't most people)? One can't even look at the Exxon exec's as being the responsible party….go back to the mirror. The Exxon execs answer to the board members….that's the people that own the stock in Exxon……That's the regular guy. The regular guy who owns stock in the company wants his bank account to get bigger. They tell the Exxon board to make them more money. The board tells the execs to make them more money, and the execs sell to the highest bidder. If the highest bidder is another country, then there are two winners, the other country and the people that own Exxon stock. Vote for who you want, but this problem is not caused by the Government, its caused by stockholders.
  11. I'm in for $1.50. Forget ebay.
  12. ………"but i let off the brake and she rolls" Am I missing something? Isn't that what its supposed to do?
  13. I'm of the mind one can fix most anything with a roll of duct tape, bailing twine, and a 3 foot long pipe.
  14. Well no argument. The law is always interpreted by the guy with a gun and a ticket book
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