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    Valdese, NC

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  1. The old filter material is falling apart, so we could not reuse it. With the help of a local mechanic that works on antique vehicles, we found a Wix filter that goes on a '47 Chrysler that was close to the sme size. We put in on the truck and it fired right up with good oil pressure and no noise from the engine. It is now ready for the parade.
  2. Thanks for the help.
  3. The fire department that I work for has a 1932 BG type 50 fire truck that the town bought new. It needs a new oil filter and we are looking for a supplier. The part number of the original is 5 ALFA 25. We would like to find a new filter or find a part number for a filter that will replace this one. I have included a picture of the engine and the old filter.
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