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Everything posted by truxnut

  1. is it a push or pull type clutch? The release fork shaft on a pull [spicer type] will be above the trans input shart. A push [Mack} will be below center.
  2. Go for it Mike. LTs are few and far between and you've seen the junk that is showing up out here. But sometimes one has to go to get another {how well I know,still miss the Pete} If it is as nice as you say do it.
  3. Yep the brake parts were just what the doctor ordered, exerything was in excelent shape. Was going to put themon last weekend untill Jim discovered his kingpins were shot. At that point he had to go on that busniess trip he was talking about. You saved his butt with those parts.
  4. You are not going to find gears in that ratio for the old Mack rear . So 2options change the entire rear axle or find a small spicer aux. like a 5531 -6231 . Thses have vatious ratios so you need to get the letter after the number to be able to find out.
  5. My local independent tire dealer has imports [korean-chinese] hiway tread only in bias for about $200 with flap& tube. Find someone that sells truck tires that is a indenpent and the should be able to take care of you. AZ weather kills radials in about 4-5 years and bias are not so badly affected. I admit a radial sure does improve the ride and tubless run cooler. But for looks and longivity I like my flatbase bias.
  6. I'm getting about 2&1/2 in my Seagrave FT 906 CID gas
  7. BAH !!! Tubeless & radials Double BAH! tubes and flatbase forever.
  8. Doug: Someone had mounted a dummy 750 on the cowl ,so I just plumbed it into the circut with the stock one.
  9. Just north of I 10 at 59 th Ave. Trent
  10. Well today after I made up some hose adapters we played in the water again, wrong time of year to try to buy a kidde pool,had to settle for a doggy wading pool. LOL PS Don't know what the guy in the funny hat thinks he's doing! I wnat to go for a ride. Sunni the Dal.
  11. Trent: Mack used a fullflow filter on some Bs the looked Kinda like a Luberfiner. The Mack filter had the clamp band towards the middle of the housing. If it is under the hood with -16 lines on it thats probabley what it is. The luberfiners had -6 & -8 lines on them normally and the clamp was about 1/4 the way from the end. But in either case the filters shoud stay full of oil.
  12. Well first Dale it needs to run 170-180 water temp to boil off any contaminits in the oil and 160 oil won't hurt either for the same reason. Also combustion and fuel ecomey will be better at 180. You are not doing a diesel any favors running it too cool. Trent : If you are running a 750 Luberfiner you will find it holds near 3 gallons of oil by it's self. I'm running 2 750s in paralel for extra cooling here in AZ as KW put the one in the battery box out of the air flow.
  13. Or just click on the " View New Posts" that will show all areas that have new posts since you last visited. I find I like that better than the way Barry sugested.
  14. Well for 2k it should be a runner. The no rust is a big plus but the cracked block could be and probably is BAD news. Lots of other things enter into this like tire size and condition. Likely has tube style tires and some sizes are new only. Spoke or Budd wheels? In my opinion $500-1000 is more like it. Saying that if I realy liked it I might fork over the 2K and walk away smiling. But it will cost more than you think to get it road worthy. Good Luck with whatever you decide.
  15. Those wires go to the voltage regulator. The one marked A or G goes to the smae on the volt reg. , the F goes to the F or field . The one that is not insulated is a ground and goes to either a screw on the Volt reg. base or one of the reg. mounting screws.
  16. Rob: You have just discribed a Jake setup, thats the way they are hooked up.
  17. Well 4 weeks to the day since I bought my '51 Seagrave it now is a a fire engine, it squirts Water!!! Pressueized the system with a garden hose and fixed some leaks so it would draft, dropped the suction hose in our test tank and away we went. A minor prroblem, the hose and nozzle that came with it doesn't fit my discharge fittings. OH well!!!!! We hooked the pre-charging adapert up and used a garden hose!! LOL Squirt or Bust Dang It !! Picture is my buddy Jim doing the honors.
  18. Check the casting numbers. I would think the only differance might be the puley. Big diff. for fire service was 2 plugs per cylinder.
  19. Simple : Collect Dogs, 4 legged ones. Perferably those with cronnic medical problems
  20. Gee David I wish you were closer to AZ . As long as the housing is in one piece I'll bet you $50 that I could fix it. Ya want hard to find parts try my Seagrave!!
  21. The charging system is 12V [14 rating on Alt.] , you still can have a S/P 24 vo;t start. Trace the battery cables ALL the way to the starter. If you find a big solinoid looking thing between the batteries and the starter solinoid you have a S/P . See if you can find a tag on the starter ,that will show if it is 12 or 24. S/P systems can be wired either pos or neg. And another thought ,the starter my be shoeted out. Dis-conect the cables at the starter and see what happens.
  22. Fire Trucks Eh!! Got any Seagrave stuff late 40s early 50s? Need some front hyd. brake parts.
  23. You may have a series/paralel switch on that truck for 24 volt start. 2 ways first see if there is a tag on the starter and see if it gives the voltage ,they normaly do. Next trace the battery cables to the starter and see if you find a big solinoid looking thing, if so that is a S/P switch. As to ground it can be either ,most big trucks were positive in those days . Does it have a generator or alt.
  24. I think most of the difference is in how much the declared value is , the more you insure for the higher it is.
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