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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 1977vega

  1. When are you gonna restore your W?
  2. Vinny, You can have a Coors Cutter or Odouls
  3. If you aren't too far away, that would be awesome! I wanted to see some more pics of his W's, says he has 3 of them. Btw, I love your little C model, cool truck for sure
  4. I'd go take a trip to that yard!
  5. Hopefully! I wanted to get some good detailed pics of that H but I'm not sure he has the technology!
  6. The truck is in a salvage yard so he may have a wrecker there, but I got some figuring to do yet
  7. I have heard great things about him! The truck hasn't been run in a few years and I'm not sure about how tough it'll be to get it out of the yard. Not sure about weight, but it's a twin screw cabover
  8. Superdog is onto something...
  9. Thinking about picking up a twin axle H model from Minnesota. Looking for ideas on shipping if anyone is interested. Thanks!
  10. It's a shame that the doors and glass are missing, floors are probably gone. Super rare tractor tho
  11. What power/trans combo would that H69 have?
  12. I like that H too. What's your plans for the W model? You gonna restore that?
  13. http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?itemId=160914173327&index=1&nav=SEARCH&nid=02129879267
  14. Whether it's Obama, Romney, or Ronald McDonald, shit flows downhill dude. Romney made hundreds of millions by buying companies, dissecting them, selling the parts and firing the people. How is that comforting to anyone who works hard to earn their keep?
  15. That's where the problem lies. It really doesn't matter who's at the head of the table. The house of reps do not and will not compromise on anything. How you can you expect change? The house of reps have to change to help the little people like us
  16. It's is what it is, Obama dominated Robme. So much for a close race
  17. It's is what it is, Obama dominated Robme. So much for a close race
  18. I don't have any pics but some south jersey guys know about this truck. I'd like to buy it
  19. I know we've talked about this truck, and some of you guys know this truck really well. What's this truck worth and what equipment does this truck have?
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