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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 1977vega

  1. That's horrible
  2. Looks good for that price tag
  3. Feel better Superdog!
  4. 1977vega

    Mike H.

    Darn, hope he's ok
  5. Is that B model pickup still for sale on CL? I think it was on Long Island CL?
  6. In the long run, I think Trump won't be any different than any other president to take office. There's just been too much red tape and back door deals done over the years, it's way too complex to unwind. Reality is, we only see small parts of government. There's no way we get the entire picture. Like I've said in the past, Trump is egotistical and thrives off unrest. Unfortunately, it put a working guy in a position where he could've lost his job or had charges pressed against him because some asshole wannabe hipster wants to burn a flag because "he's part of the movement". Wether you're Union or non union, it's irrelevant, we are Americans. hate the guy or love him, he's in charge and we need to support each other even if there is a lot of discontentment and turmoil going on
  7. F*ckin people need to get a job
  8. I don't usually get involved with politics, because it's all bullshit in the long run, but is anybody here concerned about his behavior after the first week? The fact that he can't stand losing the popular vote eats him up, the fact that he's gonna waste tax payer money "investigating" voter fraud when he won the fucking election! It's absurd. The fact that he talked about his inauguration crowd compared to Obama's for a few days is absurd. The fact that he won't release his tax returns when he said he would is absurd. We have no idea how deep his worldwide holdings really go now. His two sons are now "running" his business, it's nepotism. His daughter is an advisor to him in the administration, it's nepotism. The fact that he claims the "Great Wall" was gonna be totally funded by Mexico, is a lie, because now they're gonna propose a 15B dollar referendum, but the blue collar people will get "refunded somehow". We are being led by a guy who just wants the power, no more and no less. In the end, all of us are gonna pay the freight. I'm not saying Hillary was gonna be any better, but we are dealing with someone who is egotistical, that can be very dangerous. And these tax tariffs and penalties don't affect wealthy people, they effect us. We are the ones who are trying to make a living and pay our bills on time. We care about the cost of commodities and fuel prices, billionaires don't. The fact is, we couldn't spend the interest he makes on his money. He can't relate to people like us because he's never lived that life. With that said, as Americans, let's just do the best we can do with what we have to work with, and hope for great things for our country.
  9. He's got quite a few trucks for sale on Craigslist?
  10. Could check with the UPS freight division here in southern NJ since they bought them, they might sell something to you
  11. All that work just to get 20 bucks in scrap for the radiator
  12. Totally cool and only at 25 bucks right now with 12 hours to go
  13. This truck was in Delran/Riverside area
  14. Wow! All my dad gives me is a hard time and a headache 😐 That's totally awesome stuff right there
  15. Crazy dudes right there, trusting those slings are gonna hang in there
  16. Keep fighting the good fight hatcity!
  17. Could be a great deal for someone
  18. That'll buff out
  19. Might have to knock 7k off the price
  20. Still on Craigslist I believe
  21. I like it
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