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Everything posted by David

  1. Colfax show is at the Farmers Market. Sandy Ridge Road exit on I40. Usually the first weekend of Nov.
  2. The offset allowed a shorter hood that in turn allowed a longer trailer when there were total length limits. I also remember a Mack ad that discused a better view around a vehicle you wanted to pass without weaving into on comming trafic.
  3. When you changed the compressor did you check the cooling lines for restrictions. I'v seen them rusty and blocked behind the pump. Also was the compressor pulling air from the negative presure side of the turbo? Mack had a service bulletin about moving this hose to the intake manifold at the rear of the engine or installing a filter at the compressor. Low/no cooling or restricted intake can shorten the life of your compressor.
  4. Rob, If your going to the Eaton building on Spring Forest, these two places are just down the street. Snoopys.com Goodberrys.com
  5. I have one. 919-932-3344 24/7
  6. John, Why does the white one have the exhaust on the drivers side?
  7. I'll be there all day Saturday. Rain or shine. Anything is better than last year.
  8. Are you guys holding hands? Just kidding. Take care of that truck and it will take care of you. Thanks for serving.
  9. With a quick glance it looks like a Dodge Bighorn and there's a reason they only built 244 of those things.
  10. Looks like the guy in the top left corner can't believe his eyes.
  11. Where are you going to be in Raleigh? Are you still going to Macungie? Only a week away!
  12. The guys name is Lazaro and he was driving the truck himself.
  13. Nice trucks Swishy. Too bad they keep putting the steering wheel on the wrong side.
  14. The company owner was driving. http://www.wral.com/news/video/7593793/
  15. Doesen't look like he even hit the brakes. http://www.wral.com/news/local/video/7596756/
  16. I'll bet he uses the outriggers next time. http://www.wral.com/news/local/video/7601855/
  17. Anyone know when the short eared dog was first used?
  18. The frame of the CH is deeper than the RW and will fit over the RW as a second rail. You could use it as a double over the drives and reinforce the splice of your extension.
  19. The CH and RW both have 34" wide frames and use the same length crossmembers. You should be ok with the CH.
  20. Not to Spencer. I might have the DM800 at Colfax.
  21. That generator is on it's way to NC, about 40 miles from my house. I have been trying to find out when it will arive so I can see the move and get some pictures.
  22. Spencer on May 15 at the NC Transportation Museum and Colfax in Nov.
  23. And they look at the GVWR. That's what the truck is rated at, not what you license it for.
  24. Was that a wrecker? The gumball on top looks like a firetruck.
  25. Something about that ROPS that looks a little...............big. Is everything bigger in Texas?
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