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Everything posted by David

  1. Consider a step cut. More weld equals more strength. You can also straddle the splice with a cross member. Always heard good things about Adams. You can use the old rails as a template to drill the new ones. Clamp the opposite rail outside to outside and drill only the symmetrical holes. New rails from Mack are going to run 6 to 10K. That's why the estimate is 20K.
  2. It was the rear. New ring, pinion, bearings, seals, driveshaft, ujoints and yokes. $1500 in parts, labor in house, and back on the road.
  3. Karma's a bitch. Had to bring this one in with a bad pinion.
  4. Yes. But it's out of his reach.
  5. Brutus has an air conditioned dog house. Cost an average of $ 17 per month. He keeps a certain element on their side of the fence and I keep him comfortable.
  6. Use 1.5 inch and a touch of silicone.
  7. Do you know how to unload the pressure on the rear lugs?
  8. Was this a result of the "shock treatment"?
  9. Here's to a speedy and can complete recovery!
  10. R frames are 33" wide. CH is 34" wide. You could slide the CH frame over the R frame.
  11. How about a rollback? http://raleigh.craigslist.org/cto/3830724051.html
  12. Dan, Superliner I or II? Flat or deep? I have a I flat.
  13. Where are you located? Which bumper do you have?
  14. My email is dccolcorp@aol.com. Thanks
  15. When your changing the compressor make sure you have good flow in the coolant lines. I've seen the line behind the fuel pump corroded and plugged. Also is the intake line for the compressor hooked up to the suction side of the turbo? There was a service bulletin on either moving the line to the intake manifold or installing a filter kit on the compressor.
  16. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151533670067972&set=vb.306372192832568&type=2&theater
  17. Ya Mark that's pretty sharp. The truck's not bad either.
  18. Call me at 919-932-3344, 24/7. I have several extras in stock.
  19. The blowout damage was bad enough. Getting towed by a KW just adds insult to injury.
  20. Where were you in NC?
  21. Did they really not vote? Or did millions of votes not get counted? Will we ever know?
  22. Don't forget to pull the fuel line first.
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