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Everything posted by David

  1. It's interesting to see how they moved the exhaust over to the passenger side. Normally it's still on the right. It seems like it would be a real pita to get in and out of that truck with the drivers door only opening 75% due to the air cleaner. Why not move it to the other side also?
  2. This thread is like a conversation between beings from another world.
  3. It looks like the cable broke or the load came unhooked and the boom (with no stops) sprung back and hit the cab.
  4. A 1980 Superliner should have the same frame as a Cruiseliner (2 piece with about a 3' overlap under the cab. The '88 should have a black dash, the '80 is brown. I'd look at the trans, suspension, and gearing compared to the intended use.
  5. At 34000# you can still net 23 ton payload. But you will need to learn where to center the load to axle out. That won't take long with a little trial and error. Our 3 axle RD rolloffs with 58k rears, double frame and empty 30 yard box weigh 34000#. That's heavy!
  6. Dave, I have 1200 x24's on my new ride. The car belongs to this guy.....
  7. Is bigger always better?
  8. Looks good. I installed wheelbarrel tires on my welder for the same reason. Is that a P-bilt or Freightshaker wheel in the background?
  9. When the length laws changed in 1983 and you could pull a 48' trailer with a Large Car, the cabover was kicked to the curb. If they would sell someone would build em.
  10. Thank You
  11. The book is copywrited. You can buy it for about $25.
  12. There are 4 nice pictures in the "Driven for a Century" book.
  13. How much of a donation did you make to the parts swapers education fund?
  14. I'm still looking for the dozer.
  15. Who's going this year? I heard Barry is providing lunch at the Watts tent on Sat. at noon.
  16. The carriers are the same. The housings, axles, hubs, and springs are different.
  17. Here's a list for ya.... http://www.hankstruckpictures.com/forum01/index.php?topic=16240.0
  18. Must be a 2 valve if your going to chrome?
  19. Look behind the shop of electrical contractors in your area. Also check the ads from AHTS and ATCA.
  20. Look forward to hydroplaning when the tread is half gone.
  21. Where are you in NC?
  22. Check here... http://www.macktrucks.com/assets/mack/ModelProduction1.rtf
  23. Rob, Not just a local thing. Check this out... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat-shot
  24. Rat shot in a 22 works real well with no or very little damage.
  25. There may be a check valve at the transfer pump. It's on the end of the hose from the primary filter. You can remove it, stand it up, put a spoon full of fuel in it, and see if it drains down.
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