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Everything posted by David

  1. I don't understand how increasing the wheelbase make it easier to "get around".
  2. Happy Easter all. Does this mean spring is really here?
  3. Yell at me when you go through Raleigh.
  4. Make sure all the bellhousing and clutch housing bolts are tight.
  5. Welcome. Wait til your neighbor Vinny sees this. He knows every truck north of Syracuse weather it's for sale or not.
  6. Kernersville, NC?
  7. The trick is the truck being shorter than the trailer.
  8. Congratulations Rowdy. And everyone else that can in business in this day and age.
  9. Are the axles set back the same in those two trucks? Why are the hoods and fenders different?
  10. Congratulations. If it was closer I would have gambled, but $4000 for shipping was a deal breaker.
  11. That's bitter sweet. But net good. Don't take the infection lightly. 50,000 people die each year from things they pick up in the hospital. http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2010/02/hospital_infections_deadly_cos.html
  12. Your memory is the third thing to go. This I know because I wear glasses and hearing aides.
  13. Here's a tag.......
  14. Something just doesn't look right with this one. This guy has zero feedback.
  15. Wonder why he pulled down his ad?
  16. Easiest think to do is use a jeep. Next to that is add on to the back and use a lift tag. Will that give you enough wheelbase to meet the bridge law?
  17. Check sign shops and any place that engraves name plates on trophies.
  18. Not that truck, but close. I can't tell if that's a headache rack or exhaust mounts with a light bar.
  19. Before I'd give NJ 5k for a plate, I would go to any other state and get an apportioned plate for less than a grand. We pay $839 for 54k in NC.
  20. Which part of which dog would be the union?
  21. Look for one that doesn't have a yellow engine.
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